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I smiled up to the sky where
My Kinan was.

"He said he was glad to die this way. Claiming that the best way to die. Was to die protecting what he believed.
He believed in me." I saw Kakashi Sensei looking to the sky as well.

My tears slowly drying as I remember a few memories replaying in my head.


I heard a soft pitter pattering on the roof of Lord Peins office.
I stared up at it with a goofy smile.

I could feel every gaze in the room land on me knowingly.
We were all in a meeting, trying to establish who was on what this week. Odd huh?

Even after missions, we have duties here. Cooking for example.

"I'll cook this week if it means we can finish." I bargained. I looked to Lord Pein with a big smile.

He was frowning at me while I practically jumped around in my seat.
"Alright. Its settled. Kiyomi cooks this week. Dismissed." Everyone gave a sigh of relief as I sprinted from the room and to the nearest exit.

"Can't catch me Ki-ni!" I yelled as I slipped out into the rain. Kinan hot on my heels.

"Gotcha Ki-bi!" He lifted my giggling form from the ground and spun round and round before slipping on the wet floor.

"Argh!" We yelled before falling. Kinan falling to his butt while I giggled looking down to him.
Tobi sooned joined us, giggling about how much he loved rain.

It then turned into an argument on who loved the rain more.
Itachi and Kisame came out a couple hours later telling the three of us to get back inside.

Tobi and I argued with them and ended up fighting eachother. Each of them having to drag me and Tobi in unwillingly while Kinan laughed at the pair of us.

I giggled when I created a bubble of mud and flung it at his face. It missed his and landed on Deidara's. The whole Akatsuki base burst out laughing.

Until he chased Kinan and I back into the rain with his clay.

/Flashback over\

I laughed lightly. Remembering how sick Kinan had gotten later that week.


"I hate you Kinan! I hate you!" I stormed into our room and slammed the door shut.

Why was he always leaving me alone in the hideout!

I hate him.

I locked the door and jumped on to the bed in a huff. I hate him!

I heard a shuffling in the room and sat up in alarm.

A hand shot out of nowhere and covered my mouth before I could scream.

Something slithered around my legs and wrapped around my waist and arms. Its scaly skin crushing my limbs together.

"Ah... I just want your blood Kiyomi." He hissed. I struggled against the snake that tightened its grip everytime.

I heard soft knocking on the otherside of the door trying to reach me. I screamed beneath Orochimaru's hand without much success.

"Kiyomi? You alright? I'm sorry for always leaving you? It's just missions." I tried slamming Orochimaru back on to the wall but he just chuckled.

"Kiyomi?" His knocks grew more intense.

The door was thrown from the hinges and my brother stood there.

His eyes blazing, his white hair becoming a more electric blue that could be seen generating electricity.

"Orochimaru." He growled before launching foward.

Orochimaru threw me towards my enranged brother with a smirk before leaving with a snicker.

I was gasping for air as I held on to Kinan's top.

Kisame had caught Orochimaru and thrown to the other end of the hallway before coming in.

Itachi and Tobi knelt next to Kinan.

"Oh.. Tobi wasn't here to protect Kiyomi. Tobi is bad boy!" He cried.

I smiled up at him and shook my head.
"No Tobi. Tobi is a good boy. He is always good boy." I petted his hair before he jumped up.

"Tobi is good boy!" He shouted running out yelling it down the hall.

"Are you alright Kiyomi?" Itachi asked with a frown. I nodded to him before I looked to Kinan.

"I'm sorry Kinan. I was just angry." I told him as I hugged him tightly.

He hugged back and petted my hair down.

"It's alright Ki-bi." He told me.

"You're to sleep with either Tobi or Itachi while I'm gone alright?" I nodded with a laugh as he pulled back.

/Flashback Over\

What I had done right to deserve such a loving and forgiving brother?

Remains a mystery.

"Alright then Kiyomi." I looked to Kakashi Sensei who was smiling to me.

"Thank you for trusting me with your past. I appreciate such trust coming from you." I just nodded with a simple smile up at him.

"Thank you for being someone I can trust Kakashi Sensei. It means a lot." I told him as I hugged his waist.

Kiyomi Uzumaki-KitanWhere stories live. Discover now