Attack On The Leaf

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"Awe come on!"


"What a waste of time!"

I was frowning to the crowd as they threw trash down to Shikamaru.

Naruto won his match against Neji.

'Making an awesome comeback with an added punch! Just to top it, kisses towards the crowd! Wow what an amazing match that was!'

I giggled at my commentary. Anyway!
Back to Shikamaru!

I lept into the air and landed right beside the lazy looking boy.

"Wind Style;Raven Wing!" With a single arms crossed over my front, I used a light gust to blow the flying rubbish away.

"Don't insult Shikamaru!" I growled loudly as I glared at the crowd. The rubbish stopped and the crowd went silent.

"Geez. Troublesome Kiyomi." I turned to Shikamaru with a toothy grin.

"Great match Shikamaru. I almost lost track of your tactics." He smirked as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah. Almost. Thanks Kiyomi." I laughed lightly at him.
"Maybe I'll beat you in a game of shogi huh?"

To this, he chuckled.
"Yeah right. Not in your life. I cant lose to a women in my own game." I laughed as we walked back to the competitors box.

"For the final match we'll have Sasuke Uchiha vs Sabako no Gaara."

I leaned against the railing as Gaara made his way down.

"Yeah! Good luck Gaara!" I yelled supportively. He just glared at me as he stood near the Procter with his arms crossed.

"You're not worried about Sasuke, are you?" Shikamaru asked as we watched the arena for Sasuke's arrival.
"Nah. He's with Kakashi Sensei. He's bound to be late with that lazy bag of-"

There was an upwhirl of leaves in the centre of the battleground before a puff of smoke revealed Kakashi Sensei and Sasuke.

"Sorry we're late." I began to cheer.
"Yeah! Show em what you got Sasuke!" He turned to look up at me with a small smirk. I smiled back with a wink.

~Time Lapse~

Shikamaru walked off from the competitors box and found a place in the stands while I stayed to watch as Sasuke and Gaara's match played out.

My chest burned. I don't know why I hadn't noticed before now.
It was like I was being roasted over a bonfire or something, at first it started small before I felt like I had been left to burn.

I grabbed at the source of the burning sensation.
The Heaven curse mark.
It was pounding like a heart trying to break against the rib cage. It was sore.

I tried looking around for what had triggered it.

It wasn't Sasuke, I'd have known if it was loose and also. It wouldn't burn like this!

My eyes scanned the whole of the stadium looking for the Snake.

There was nothing!
I couldn't find him!

Damn you Orochimaru!

I kept scanning before my eyes came to see Old Man sitting on a high balcony, overlooking the Final Rounds. Drifting to look at his side, I saw the Sands Kazekage. But something seemed off about him.

Focusing my chakra to a point in my chest as I took a deep breath in. I released my breath, creating a chakra wave that ran over the whole stadium and towards the Kazekage.

I froze.

It wasn't the Sands Fourh Kazekage, no.

It was Orochimaru in disguise!

I growled lowly. My second warmth expanding to cover the area a metre from my mark all around.

Jumping from the box, I used my chakra to connect to the wall and run around it.

The 'Kazekage' jumped up, a smirk hidden under his mask as I jumped towards him.

I was met on by a couple Anbu beside him as I tried getting near that villainous snake. Old Man stood up as I attacked the 'Kazekage' with a scowl on his face.

Towards me?
I'm not sure.

I dodged a kunai aimed straight for my throat and lept back a few metres.
My second warmth reaching forward to try and grab at his neck.

The Sand Anbu in the way were left with a dark and painful burn as they lept away.

He managed to escape my attack and ended up behind Old Man with a kunai to his throat.

I gave a menacing growl as I charged forward.

Old Man maneuvered himself from the hold just in time as I smashed into the 'Kazekage.' He wasn't able to touch me as my second warmth held him to the ground.

There was a earsplitting cry of pain.


My head whipped around to the battleground.


I whispered. Then all hell broke loose.

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