Start Of Second Exam

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"The Forest of Death. Anything goes but get a heavens scroll in 5 days. Sounds simple enough." I shrugged as I joined Lee and Neji.

We stood waiting for other teams to collect their scrolls so we could start.

I felt like someone was staring at me. Looking around, I caught the eyes of Anko who smirked.
Naruto started mumbling about something that seemed to piss her off and I saw her reach for a kunai.

She threw it towards him as I pulled my own. I threw it at hers to cancel it out.

I took off towards them. Anko had Naruto in a headlock with another kunai at his neck while I held mine in my left hand to hers with a deadly serious face.

"I don't know what your problem is with him. But if you wish to be the one to start the exam. I suggest you let him go." I warned with a threatening voice. She just kept smirking at me before her eyes flickered behind me.

Using my right hand, I pulled out a sebon needle and held it over my left shoulder to a ladys neck standing behind me. It was ready to pierce her straight through the throat if she tried anything.

"I was just returning your kunai." Her tounge was wrapped around my kunai as she leaned over my shoulder. I smiled up at her while putting my sebon needle away. Still my kunai was below Anko's neck as I took my other from this creepy but kind lady.
"Thanks a lot. Saved me the trouble." She just smiled at me creepily before turning and moving away.

Anko laughed.
"What a bipolar kid." She laughed before releasing Naruto. He was gasping for air before he smiled up at me.
"Thanks Kiyomi. I owe you one." I just laughed and petted his head.
"Hey, its what cou- best friends are for right?"

I almost slipped up. I almost said cousins. Oh how I really wanted to!

I walked back over to Neji after wishing the rookies good luck. They just smirked and left me with a
"see you at the tower. But uh, goodlucktoyoutoo." They had muttered the end part making me laugh.

"Gate 10. Open." Two ninja opened our gate before we rushed past them and into the forest of death.

"5 days huh?" Lee asked while we jumped from tree to tree. Neji and I nodded.
We had been in the forest for about 9 hours now. It was nighttime and we hadn't come across one team. Urgh! This is boring! My feet ache, my legs burn! On top of that I was exhausted!

We lept to another branch before Neji signalled us to stop.
The forest was real eerie. There wasn't much activity and that was weird. Didn't Anko warn us about the massive creatures living here? I mean, she even mentioned that some of us may-


I spun to my left where the girls scream came from.
"Lets go." I ordered, rushing towards the scream.

Once we got there, I noticed that there were 2 dead corpse being picked at by massive beetles while another advanced on a older boy.

He was backed up into a corner and his body was oozing blood. Just as I was ready to leap down, Neji grabbed my arm. "You remember what Gai Sensei had told us.
Dont enter combat unless absolutely necessary or you will use up energy." I frowned. As if knowing my intentions, my second warmth wrapped around me. I smirked.
"This is absolutely necessary." I said before I jumped.

I gathered chakra in my fist before I crushed the massive beetle into the ground.


I spun around to face the rest of the beetle bunch with a bit of excitement. I could kill these beetles and let off steam at the same time.

A dark grin filled my face as Neji and Lee landed next to me.
"Neji, you're in charge of protecting the boy. Lee, you and I have the beetles." Lee got into his stance, Neji activated his byakugan while I smirked at the advancing beetles.

My heartbeat increased as the dark chakra leaked through. I was so going to kill these beetles. I felt Death Reaper humming loudly. Wanting to be the weapon to kill. I pulled him out and turned to the beetles.
"Lee. Scatter." He lept off in another direction while I ran straight up the middle.

Death Reaper glowed its bright blue hue as I slaughtered every beetle in my path.

Sorry Shino. But I have to kill these insects.

~Time Lapse~

I let Death Reaper slide back into its holder. Now humming softly in pleasure at its recent kills.
It felt nice to just let loose for a while. Especially since it was on insects and not humans.

"Kiyomi. His wounds are bleeding heavily." Neji called out.
I wiped my face that was covered in bugs blood before rushing over to the dying boy and Neji.

"Hold him still. I'll begin healing him then we'll take him to the tower." I'm pretty sure Neji choked.
"We're taking him to the tower?" I nodded at his very stupid question.
"That was quite a stupid question Neji. Especially for you." He glared at me.

"If you hadn't noticed, we still haven't found a heavens scroll yet and his entire team has been killed. Do you really believe they'll let him in?" I thought he was ment to be a genius or something!? I gave him a deadly glare before looking back to the boy.

I watched my hands glow a greenish blue before I placed them over his wounds.
I slowly felt his skin pull itself together as his insides mended under my medical jutsu. It took a while but slowly, I felt him come back to consciousness. He groaned as his hand grabbed at his stomach wound. His eyes slowly opened before falling back to sleep and I smiled in relief.
"Looks like he'll live." I assured Neji who didn't even care. Lee spun around with a thumbs up.
"Great job Kiyomi. Let the power of youth full you in helping this boy!" He shouted. I laughed before turning back to Neji.

"Alright, I really do understand your concerns so I've thought out a plan." He was waiting for me to continue while Lee kneeled down to listen.
"Lee, you and Neji will carry on in search of a Heavens scroll and I'll take him to the tower. If they won't let him in. I'll find you again." Neji seemed fine with my plan, Lee on the other hand.

"I do not think that it is a good plan to leave you alone with a disadvantage in the forest Kiyomi. What if you are to be attacked and we are much to far away to come to the rescue?" I laughed at him. He honestly thinks I'm that weak.

"Taijutsu may not be my strongest forte Lee, however. If I'm able to hold up against Neji in a Ninjutsu battle while we are both blinded, him with his byakugan activated. I'm sure I'll be fine." Neji smirked at the memory.
I knew he'd never question my capabilities in getting to the tower.

"Lee. Let her go. No words will stop her anyway. Lets go and find a Heavens scroll."
"Wait." I pulled out two vials of medicine.
"It'll do the trick for most wounds until I find you again. It wont mend broken bones though so please. Dont break a bone." Neji smirked.
"Do you really believe that you should be giving these to us? I'd be more worried about those you'll face." Neji you fool. Though I guess he did have a point.

"Don't mind me. I'll be sure they're good enough to walk away from a battle. Or crawl." With that, I left them.

"Thank you." I craned my neck to see the boy on my back with one eye open and looking to me. I smiled at him.
"No worries. Save your strength. You're wounds are still recovering.

*2 hours. I've been jumping tree branch to tree branch for two whole hours. This boy isnt the lightest of them but I will get him to the tower, by at least tomorrow.

Sighing, I set him down on a branch. It was about 1 in the morning and I really needed to sleep.
"I'll take watch." I heard him groan. I turned to him with a big smile.
"No. You just rest. Besides, I dont sleep at night anyway." He looked confused.
"Why not?" He was holding his stomach in pain as he talked.

I layed him down and pulled his shirt up. I grabbed some bandages from my pouch and a vial of a strong painkiller. I tipped the vial to his lips, instructing him to take a sip. He looked hesitant for a while.
"If I wanted you dead, I'd have left you to those beetles." I assured with a kind smile.
That seemed to do the trick as he took a sip.

"So why dont you sleep at night?" I began on wrapping his torso to cover the wound left by a beetles nipper while my hands glowed the greenish blueish.
"I dont know. I haven't slept at night for years. Its just a habit to sleep during the day." He nodded.

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