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"Kiyomi?" I smiled to the chubby boy before stealing his packet of chips and walking off.

"Come Choji, I need a favour." Taking a handful of the barbeque flavored chips, I shoved them in my mouth before they were stolen from my hands.

"What'd you need?" I smiled at the boy.
"A very good eating contest." I declared. His eyes lit up.

"Hey! Kiyomi!" I craned my neck to look back at the yelling blonde.
"I'll pay for all three of us."

Just as I said that, Naruto ran to catch up with us.
"I mean four."

Sasuke dropped from the roof tops beside me.
"Hn." Sasuke shoved his hands into his pocket with his eyes focused ahead.

""Sasuke!"" I groaned at the two girls shouts.
"I'm not paying for theirs." I groaned.

"What a drag." I groaned again. "Or his."

"Sakura my youthful Leaf Blossom!"

"Lee. Be quiet."

"Oi! Naruto! What'd you think you're doing!?"
*sweat drop

"K-Kiba? P-Please dont y-yell."
I turned around.
"Oh, hey Hinata." She gave a shy smile with a small bow.
"H-Hello Kiyomi." She greeted. I gave a megawatt smile.

'Gee, Naruto sure is lucky. Blind Baka.'

As we walked towards the barbeque place, I accidentally knocked into someone and since I was more planted on my feet. I stayed standing while the other person fell to the floor.

"Oh. My bad. I didn't see you there." I apologised, scratching the back of my neck sheepishly.

"Nah, it's alright. I didn't see either." I looked down to see a brown haired girl with two buns. She seemed familiar.

"Oh, Kiyomi Kitan. Good to see you again." It all clicked and I helped her up with a big smile.

"Oh, Tenten. Hi again. Yeah, you as well." After she greeted Neji again, we stood there.

"Hey, care to join us. We're just having a small gathering." She smiled as she looked over all the genin and Lee. "Sure. Sounds like fun."


"No, Kiyomi wins. Flat out. Not even Choji beat that." I yelled victoriously as I slammed down my final plate.

"Ah ha! Eat it losers!" I shouted happily.
"Can't, they're full and out cold." Everyone turned to look at the said pair.
Laying a twitching mess, their bellies bulging and drool hanging down their cheeks.

"I don't understand how you ain't stuffed yourself Kiyomi I mean. How do you even eat that much and not gain a shread of weight?" I laughed lightly, the other girls nodding in agreement with Tenten.

"Kiyomi's always been able to eat a lot. Her body takes the energy, carbs and fiber in food and molds it into chakra.
Almost like the Akimichi clan only, hers absorbs it then stores it in her core which almost seems never-ending."
I nodded to Shikamaru's explanation.

Him, Sasuke, Shino and Neji eying me suspiciously. Showing that they weren't convinced with that little tale.

Instead of fueling their curiosity, I took a sip of my tea.
They just rolled their eyes before going back to eating.

Except Sasuke, he kept watching me.
I winked at him with a smile.
I saw as he smirked a little before standing.

"Where're you going Sasuke?" Sakura asked as she looked up to him.
"Yeah Sasuke. You want me to come with you?" I saw a tic mark appear on Sakura's head as she turned to Ino.

"Why would he want you to go with him Ino-Pig?!"

"He'd rather be with me than a Billboard Brow like you!!"

They started up their argument and were soon head to head with sparks between them.

I stood as well and placed enough money on the table to cover everyone.
"Well, I'll be going guys. I have training to catch up with. Thanks for coming." After a few goodbyes, I left.

"Hey, you owe an explanation." I craned my neck to look back at Sasuke who stood leaning against the restaurant wall with his arms crossed.

"Sorry Sasuke." I poked his forehead.

"It's classified." I smiled at his glare.

"Oi! Kiyomi!" I looked to see Naruto running up to us with a wide grin.
"Oh, hey Naruto." He came to a stop at our side and we were walking off together.

'I can't believe how fast they've grown up since becoming genins.
Sasuke's a little happier and
Naruto's a little wiser. Even if only by a inch.'

I began to laugh at my own thoughts, causing both boys to look at me weirdly.

I waved their looks off with a smile.
"Don't worry bout it. Just my thoughts." Sasuke rolled his eyes and kept walking while Naruto kept staring at me weirdly before giving a huge grin.

"I'm real glad you became my friend Kiyomi. Thanks."

He laughed the orange of the sunset making his grin seem even brighter than usual.
More, happy and sincere.

That surprised me.

Okay, what really shocked me was that Sasuke looked over his shoulder and gave a small smile.

No matter how small, the light of the sunset caught that little smile and cast a small shadow over his face. But even that shadown seemed, bright.

I felt as a smile spread slowly over my face before it lit right up.

"I'm glad you're my friend as well Naruto! And you as well Sasuke. Very glad."

I bowed to the two of them, making them step back in surprise.

"Thank you both very much!"

Kiyomi Uzumaki-KitanWhere stories live. Discover now