Take a Bow

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My feet were planted on the inside the gates of the Leaf Village.

I didnt want to move. I didnt want to go.

My last two days passed in a blur. Filled with Konohamaru, Naruto, the class boys and Sasuke.

I'm really gonna miss them!

"I dont want to go!" I heard Naruto and Konohamaru cry out loud mockingly.

Yes, I had been repeating the same sentance since 8 this morning.
"Shouldn't you two be at school?" I growled. They simply laughed in return.

"Shouldn't you be leaving?" Naruto shot back with his ridiculous grin.

"Oh, so you want me to leave huh?" They simply nodded.

Shrugging my shoulders with a smirk plastered on my face I stepped outside the large gates. "Fine then. Guess I'll just leave."

They started to wave goodbye. I spun around to them with an evil smile. .
"AND NEVER RETURN!" I yelled before leaping into a tree to watch their reactions.

They stood frozen for a while before they clicked.


They began to cry, holding eachother.

I saw the guards with little smirks on their face directed at me. I simply winked with my famous wink and two finger salute using my right hand.

Then there was a weird sight. Sasuke was walking towards the gate with a scowl on his face towards Naruto and Konohamaru.

He knocked the pair of them on the head with a glare.
"Shut up you losers." That got them to stop.

"What do you want 'Sasuke-kun'." Naruto mocked.
I laughed at the two.
"Kiyomi said she wasn't leaving until 10. Its only 9:30 so she cant have left." Was his answer, totally ignoring Naruto's attempt at getting him riled up.

"Yeah Naruto, she didnt even say goodbye to us. Relax." Choji said between bites of his barbeque chips with Shikamaru next to him.

"Yeah, she aint that mean." Kiba said running up with Akamaru. I smiled at them all, even Shino seems to have come.

"She'll be here. Why? Because we are also her friends. Its rude not to say goodbye." He stated in his monotone voice.

I laughed before jumping back to the ground. They all looked up at me with smirks. Well, except Naruto and Konohamaru who ran towards me and tackled me in a hug and bawling their eyes out.


They cried together.

It took a while but eventually, the other boys managed to pry the pair from my dying form.

"Losers." Sasuke said as he pulled me up and knocked them on the head again.

I simply smiled. Shikamaru rolled his eyes. "That show was a drag. Why'd you bring me here Choji?" He groaned before shoving his hands in his pockets.

"To see Kiyomi off silly." Choji laughed the answer. My smile grew wider.

I ran around the group giving each of them a big bear hug. Then I stopped at Sasuke.

"Alright then, for my final act I shall preform the impossible!" I yelled before pulling him in for a hug.

The rest of them sweat dropped while Naruto fell to his knees. I felt as Sasuke hugged me back timidly before I pulled back.
"TA DA!"

Thats when I noticed Naruto. I laughed as I pulled him to his feet. I kissed him on his forehead.
"Please dont peeve off the old man. And study for tests. That way you'll become Hokage even faster." He simply smiled at me before he gave a big hug.
"Thanks Kiyomi." He whispered.

I stepped away just as two Anbu members dropped next to us.

"Time to take a bow Miss Kiyomi. Its time to go." She laughed behind her bear shaped mask.

I nodded to her with a smile before turning back to the boys. "Alr-" Before I could finish, they all rushed me. (Except Shino, Shikamaru and Sasuke. Stupid S's.)

I later found myself at the bottom on a very uncomfortable dog pile. The three S's calmly walked over before placing their weight to the group.

Shino leaned against everyone.

Shikamaru layed back on Choji like he was watching clouds.

Sasuke sat down and put a hand on my head. Idiot.

"Well. That was sore." I groaned as I dusted myself off. "Alright then." I took a bow like the Anbu instructed before I was in the middle of a group crush.

I wont say hug, cause I was being crushed.

I ran to the side of the Anbu and she nodded at me before I began to walk. .

I looked back at everyone and waved.
They all returned the wave until we were out of sight.

'This is it.'

Kiyomi Uzumaki-KitanWhere stories live. Discover now