A Change Of...huh?

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"Hey sleepy head. You're awake huh?" He slowly nodded his head as he sat up.

His eyes were empty as he looked towards nothing.
I grabbed his chin and turned his face to look at me.

His eyes looked so empty. So dull. I-I just couldn't stand it.

I pulled him to me in a hug.

He didn't hug back. I still held him as he was silent.

"Lady Kiyomi?" I looked at the nurse who had come in.
"Yes?" She gestured for me to follow her out.

Placing a kiss on Sasuke's head, I bid goodbye and left.
With promise that I'd be back tomorrow.

"What is it?" I asked as soon as she lead me out.
"Lady Tsunade has asked that you meet her in the Hokage tower." The nurse whispered as we walked through the hospital halls.

"Alright. Thank you." I left the hospital and walked towards the Hokage Tower.

"Hello Kiyomi!" I tipped my head up to see a familiar face.

A smile grew on my lips as I lept up beside him and pulled him into a hug.
"What are you doing here Yuma?" He only laughed and hugged me back.
"And how have you grown taller in a few months?" He giggled.

"I didn't grow Kiyomi. You shrunk." I pushed him away gently before we jumped back on the road and kept walking to the Hokage Tower.

"Where's your Father?" I asked after a while.
"He's meeting with the new Hokage to talk about asking your team to accompany us on another mission." He smiled. "What kind?"

Now I was curious. They've come back for another escorting by Neji Lee Gai Sensei and I? What for.
"You'll just have to wait."

He grabbed my hand and began to drag me off.
"Come on!" We took off towards the tower.

"Ah Kiyomi. Good to see you." I smiled to Lady Princess before looking to Sir Eran.
"Hello Kiyomi." He bowed his head. I grinned and walked up to hug him.
"Hello Sir Eran."

I pulled back walked to Lady Princess' desk.

She held up a hand to stop me as she kept writing something down.
She glared up at me which had me clamping my mouth shut. Then there was a knock at the door.

I looked to it and smiled.
"Come in!" I chirped. There was a groan as the door was opened.

"Shikamaru!" I greeted cheerfully as I glomped him.
"Haven't seen you in forever!" I know, I know. I'm overreacting but still. You can't help but to just tease Shikamaru with 'troublesome' acts.
He groaned again.
"Troublesome Kiyomi."

I pulled back as soon as I heard Lady Princess clear her throat.

"It has come to my attention that there were no Chunin selected from the current Chunin exams due to horrific circumstances. However, for the pair of you. Only the highest of praises have come from your Sensei and the Procters of each exam." She started.

I only just noticed that Ibiki and the other Procters were standing behind Lady Princess.

"Shikamaru Nara and Kiyomi Kitan. You two have been chosen to become Chunin level ninja of the Leaf. Congratulations." Shikamaru groaned. Again.

With a happy shout, I pulled Shikamaru under my arm and messed with his hair.
"Chunin aye fella?" I grinned. He pulled himself out with a smirk.

"What a drag. Just means more missions." After a short celebrate, there was a cough.

"Shikamaru, you are dismissed. Kiyomi, please stay." Everyone walked out to leave Shizune, Lady Princess and I in the office.

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