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I smiled to the Feudal Lord and the council members as I walked from the room.

"Kiyomi. We must have a word with you." I looked back to the Elders and nodded.


I shuffled his papers into a tidy pile and began to organize his desk. It was soothing like.

"Kiyomi. We have a mission for you. Should you choose to accept, you must be firstly informed that it concerns the Nine Tails Jinchuriki." I stopped organising the papers and flipped to look at them.

"I accept." With no hesitation.

Lady Elder sighed.
"We believe someone has figured of him being the Fourth Hokage's son." What!?

"We recieved a message by an unknown messenger bird late last night. After the note was released from the birds pouch, it was killed by a fire jutsu. It simply burst into flames and all was left was ashes." They held out a note that was roughly folded into quarters and I took it.
Slowly reading each line.

"Kiyomi Kitan,

I know about the little Uzumaki brat.
I also know that you care a great deal about him.

If you don't wish for him to be killed, meet me at that damned tree.

Remember, I have eyes and ears everywhere.


J.T? Who's J.T?

I frowned.
This guy was threatening Naruto. No, he was promising to kill him if I didn't do this.

"Okay. Now to figure this out."


Nope. No. Na ah. No. Argh!
Where is it!?

I had been looking for it all night and now it was almost noon.

"What'cha looking for kid?" I didn't even have to turn to know who it was.
"Ah... A file." He stepped next to me.

"I heard what you did. The elders told me." I turned to smile at him.
"You were the first that came to mind Pervy Toad." He grumbled as he began serching the shelves.

"I'm not a Pervy Toad. Not a Pervy Sage. I am The Mountain Toad Sage." I laughed.
He turned to me with an amused face.

"You and Naruto are both little brats. Not respectful and both cause trouble." I laughed even harder.
"Thanks Pervy Toad." He mused my hair.

"You still keep that old thing." He pulled the strap of his old sleeveless coat that I had taken.

"A'course I did. It suits me." He chuckled.
"Your the reason I had to get red again." I smiled.
"You know red suits your green better. And this suits me." I pulled the front together before continuing my search.

"Sure kid. Anyway, Naruto and I will be going out in search of the next Hokage." I paused. I turned. I looked at him.
"So you rejected the offer." He nodded. I glared.

"Why? Who? Where and How long?" I asked him seriously while we kept on looking.

"Ah, I'm not suited to become Hokage. Tsunade. I have an idea. Not sure." I nodded before turning to him.

"J.T. Do you know of anyone? He's hunting Naruto and is threatening to kill him." He shook his head before pulling a file and handing it to me.
"How'd you even know I needed this?" He shrugged before crossing his arms over his chest.
"A hunch. Anyway. How do you know this?" I opened the file with one hand and handed him the note with the other.


"What's this?" I pulled out and envelope that was stuck between two pages. My name written on the front of it.

"What is it?" Pervy Toad looked over to it. I shrugged my shoulders.
"Let me open it. It might have a trigger." He tried to take it before I pulled it back.
"And you think I want you to be killed instead? Keep dreaming Old Man." We froze. Well I did.


"No, I'm alright."

I opened the envelope. My second warmth already wrapped around me. I reached in and pulled out two little...


"Ichiraku's?" I reached in and grabbed the note.

"Congratulations Kiyomi.

I may not be able to join you for dinner tonight.
Take someone along.

-Hiruzen Sarutobi."

Just as I read it. My tummy growled in hunger.

"I see that he didn't break his promise." I smiled softly.
"Yeah. He's pretty great like that." I felt tears in my eyes before I heard another tummy growl. Then I burst out laughing.

I looked up to see Pervy Toad blushing in embarrassment.

"Care to join me? First bowls on me." He nodded his head. "Alright. After that Naruto and I will set off." It was my turn to nod.

Kiyomi Uzumaki-KitanWhere stories live. Discover now