Begin Final Rounds

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^3 weeks later^

"Kiyomi! Come on! You'll be late! And you still have to meet with the Hokage! Come on!" I opened my eyes really slowly. Pulling myself back into the lands of reality and from the cell where Kyuubi is held.

"Kiyomi!" I was hurriedly trying to release the seals to my protectiong barrier while she kept yelling for me.

"Alright then! I'm getting there! Hold on!" I laughed to the impatient pink haired ninja.

"Geez. I swear. Sometimes you remind me of Naruto and Kakashi Sensei." I ran to be next to her and petted her hair.

"It's alright Sakura, I'm not usually tardy. I was busy figuring out how to master a new jutsu." I told her as we walked through the town.

"Really? What kind of new jutsu?" I gave a light laugh as I petted her hair again.
"You'll see when I fight." I told her and she huffed. To which I laughed.
She smiled a small smile as we kept walking.

~Time Lapse~

"Ah. Thank you Sakura. I thought I might have to send someone to get her this morning." Old Man said as Sakura bowed to him.
"It was nothing really Lord Third. I'll be going now." I waved to her as she left before looking to Old Man.

"Morning Old Man Sensei." He chuckled as I sat to his right side and looked over more paperwork he had piled high.

"Good morning Kiyomi." He pushed the high piles of paper to the side and turned to me.

"How do you feel?" I smiled bubbly brightly.
"Amazing! I can't wait to see what this Hiruku character is like." Old Man smiled lightly.

Am I?
Im sure.
Am I?

I swallowed. This is a nerve wracking thing.
"Gee. Thanks Old Man. Now I'm not certain of myself." I grumbled.

He chuckled and petted my hair.
"How about this. If you win the match. I will shout you ramen at Ichiraku?" I turned my head to face him.
My eyes twinkling in excitement.

"Really Old Man! You promise!?" He chuckled as I moved to hug him tightly.
I, Hiruzen Sarutobi, promise to you, Kiyomi Uzumaki Kitan, to shout you ramen at Ichiraku's if you win your final round." I jumped up, my fist shooting up into the air in the utmost glee imaginable.

"Yeah! Alright! I'm gonna win! See you at the Arena Old Man!" Then I raced out to do some last minute things.

~Time Lapse~

"I am so going to be late!" I was sprinting across the rooftops trying to find a faster route to the arena.

"Aarrrgghh!" My focus was pulled to a buch of bulls charging through the village.

And leading the charge was a mop of sunshine blond hair in his bright orange jumpsuit.

I pushed myself to go even faster before leaping up into the air.

I saw the gates of the arena come into view a few blocks up front, the gates height was a little over ten metres, there was a gated paddock up the road and a corner from the stadium.

Jumping forward, I landed on the front bull right behind Naruto, grabbed him by his collar and pulled him up next to me.

"Kiyomi!?" I could tell he was quite stunned.

Instead of answering him. I grabbed his collar and the bottom of his jersey.
Getting into a balanced stance on the moving bull I smiled to the confused blond knucklehead.

"Ready Naruto?" Without waiting for an actual answer, I threw through the air and on his way towards the gate.

"Okay." I put my hands together in the ram sign and began a long sequence of hand signs.

"Earth Style;" I pushed myself forwards to land well infront of the leading bull and slammed my palms to the ground.
"Mud Walls." A large mud wall formed before the bulls, forcing them to do a double take and head off in another direction.

Before any bulls could turn away from the gated paddock I stood in their way with my arms spread apart.

To any normal civilian, I'd probably look like a complete fool with my arms out to tell the bulls to go the other way.

To any Shinobi or those that knew of the lifeships, they'd all feel the dark aura I was generating. Forcing the bulls to keep at a safe distance or else...

Once the last bull was out of sight and over the hill. I released the mud wall and came to face the now, locked gate.


With a sigh, I lept on to the walls of the arena and ran up.
"Kiyomi Kitan." I was called for. Damn!

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