Kakashi's Chat;Kiyomi's Sadness

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I knew she was following closely behind as I led her far from the village. My feet carrying me to the Final Valley. I think she calls it Valley of The End?

I sat on the head of Lord First Hokage. Hashirama Senju.

Kiyomi took a seat beside me as we both looked to Madara Uchiha.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw her place a hand on to the head before sighing. She knew exactly what I wanted her to explain.

"Where to start?" I heard her ask. I shrugged nonchalantly.
"The beginning sounds like a good enough place." She gave another long sigh.

"Only the Old Man, Gai Sensei, Asuma Sensei, Hayate, Yuko and Pervy Toad know my story.
Thats how classified it is. But, Old Man trusts you Kakashi Sensei. He recommended you being someone I trust enough to tell you this." Me? I wonder why me?

Not bothering to voice my opinions I instead turned to look at her fully.
"However. I can't do it like this. In the open." She smiled as she stood and put her hands in the ram sign.

I lifted my headband to watch her do her jutsu.

She did a few more handsigns before facing her palms infront of her. "Hai ka!"

A long stream of chakra came from around her and began to make a dome barrier. It was thick with chakra and seemed almost impenetrable. Not just that though. This chakra, Her chakra is far to strong and powerful to be that of a mere Genin.

Then again, I did already figure that from her tests.

"There." She clapped her hands together before sitting down again. I hid my Sharingan and was shocked to still see the statue of Madara Uchiha before us.

"Alright, my story starts at the age of 5 or 6." She began.

Her hands staying clasped together as she looked beyond the barrier.

"I don't ever remember what happened before that. Not who my parents were, if they were alive, where I came from or why I was born." Her eyes grew distant as she began to recall her past.

"Since the beginning, it had only ever been Kinan and I. Kinan looked after me as I did him. It was us against the world pretty much, ya know? But I didn't mind because I didnt know any better." A small smile played on her lips at the memory of this Kinan.

"Just when I thought it would forever be only us. We were attacked." She laughed lightly.
"As you've probably grasped Kakashi Sensei, I have a very short temper." I nodded with a closed eyed smile.

I relayed the time I had watched her take out three Jonin for hurting Naruto and Sasuke. How she looked a lot Lady Kushina.

That was only one time I had seen her lose her cool.

Then I was thinking of our mission in the Land of Waves. How she blew up against Zabuza for getting Haku hurt and had slammed him in the face.

"Well, as would happen. I lost control against an army of about 15 Rain Ninja because one had puched Kinan in the face.
I had killed them all in a fit of rage." Her eyes darkened slightly. Probably recalling the pain and anger she held for the shinobi.

"It seemed they weren't even interested in us.
They had been hunting two rogue ninja before bumping into a pair of seemingly helpless orphans.

When the two rogue ninja had seen the massacre I had created, they took both my brother and I to their leader.

His name was Leader. The Head of The Akatsuki.

He wanted to see how good I was for 6 hears old but, I couldn't hurt people I didn't have ill will against.

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