Deadly Encounter

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I know that the water droplets were going to give away my position but I didnt care.

My Second Warmth was wrapped around me and Shadow hadn't left yet.

"Ahh yessss." Orochimaru smiled while his tounge licked at where I had punched him and spread my blood.
"I'd know this blood anywhere." His slimy snakelike voice had me shivering in displeasure.
"Kiyomi. Its nice of you to join us." He hissed
'If you'd like Kiyomi, I can create a cloak for you. That way they'll see you but at one word, I Will cover you again.'
I nodded my head at his suggestion knowing that I wanted them to see me.
"Orochimaru." I growled with hatred dripping on his name.

"Kiyomi?" I looked over to Kinan. His eyes wide in shock as he looked over my smoke like cloak that hooded my head. I saw Shadow next to me just floating there saying nothing.

"Hello Kinan." I said with no emotion.
He is not my brother.
He is not my brother!
I had to remind myself.
"What are you doing out here at this hour? Shouldn't you be inside the village?" He sounded genuinely worried but I knew better then to fall for the 'Big Brother' act.

My eyes drifted over to the almost unconscious ninja who was staring at me with worry.
He was worried? About me?
"I was ment to be training when I found you here. So close to the Hidden Leaf.
I'm sorry but if you wish to attack. I will have no choice but to take you both out." My face was blank but my eyes were burning and body shaking.

I watched Kinan's eyes burned up like mine while Orochimaru smirked at me.
"How are you going to do that when you're shaking like a leaf in the wind. Poor Kiyomi. Even after all of these years she is still frightened of me." He was right, I was still shaking like a rattlesnakes tail.

No matter, I wasn't going to let them attack the Hidden Leaf!
"Poor child..." His voice drifted off as he got closer and closer to me. My legs wouldn't move. I was pinned by his soul taking eyes.

His mouth opened and a he regurgitated a sword before he swung it at me.

My eyes widened in fright as it came down on me. It was met head on by a black blade while my second warmth reached out to electrocute him.
He jumped back at the sudden attack.

I gained my bearings and stood ready to attack. He was just smiling creepily.
The black blade retreated from infront of me while my Second Warmth hugged closer.

I saw that the Shadow had used his own blade to block off Orochimaru's. If he hadnt of been here, sure my Second Warmth would have protected me but if that wasnt with me. I'd have been dead.

"So, not only does this Thing protect you. That beast does also." He laughed. Kinan too was looking to me with wide eyes. I looked away from him. I pulled out a kunai and held it to face them.

"Unfortunately, we have no interest in attacking the Leaf as of yet. It was a rendezvous point to meet with your brother. However the opportunity has risen to take you back." I clicked.
"Shadow." I commanded before being engulfed by the dark figure.

I ran to the ninja but Kinan beat me to it and threw him to the wall. "Wind style;Raging Hurricane." I sped off to the ninja and caught him, turning to the cliff to climb.
"Can you cloak his scent and presence Shadow?" I asked while scaling the walls not looking back to my brother who was right on my heels.

The ninja was cloaked and I stopped near a tree.
"Kiyomi! Please! Come with me and Lord Orochimaru! We can be family again!" He yelled into the forest as he raced around.

I knew Kinan was a great tracker and information gatherer. But even he couldn't get past the Shadows ability to cease to exist.
"Will you take this boy back to the Village?" I felt as Shadow nodded.
'I will summon my brother who will protect you as well.' I released the boy before being cloaked once again in the hodded robe.

"I will not." He spun around to face me. His soulless eyes almost pleading.
"He will only use me as an experimental test rat.
And you are not my brother.
He died long ago.
Your name may be Kinan. You may look exactly like Kinan. Heck! Everything about you may be the same as Kinan!" He looked confused.

"But you are not MY Kinan. You are a puppet of Orochimaru." There was another Shadow at my side once I had finished. "Goodbye Kinan." And I was gone.

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