Way-Ta Go Uzumaki

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There was tense pause in the clearing and I knew something was off.

Mizuki Sensei chuckled darkly before I heard him pulling at some wire.
"You really believe that drivel? Iruka, I was going to save you for later but I changed my mind. You're finished!" I let go of Naruto and sped towards Iruka Sensei.
"Naruto! Come on!" I yelled as I deflected the massive shuriken. It flew of elsewhere before I heard two people collide.

I watched Naruto tackle Mizuki Sensei back before sliding easily to a stop. I stared at him in shock.
"Not bad." Mizuki said as he lifted himself from the ground. "For a little punk."

I saw an evil glint in Naruto's eyes as he glared at Mizuki. It was almost a protective glare.
"If you ever lay a hand on my Sensei again." He snapped his head up and I gasped in shock. "I'll kill you." So the killing intent runs through our blood.


Mizuki simply laughed at him.
"Such big words. I can completely destroy you with a single move." Naruto moved his hand into an all familiar sign.
"Take it your best shot fool. I'll give it back to you a thousand fold." I saw the crazy glint in Mizuki's eyes as he raised his fist.

"Let me see you try! Show me what you can do, Nine Tailed Fox." Instinctively, my second warmth cloaked over me. "Shadow clone jutsu!"
I was stunned into silence. "Naruto." Iruka Sensei said from behind me.
"Those aren't just illusions." I said proudly.
"They're solid clones." Iruka Sensei finished.
"Way-ta go Uzumaki!" I cheered.

Mizuki started to look around in fright. The hundreds of Naruto's began to torment him.
"What are you waiting for?"
"Didnt you say you were going to destroy me with a single move?"
"Hey over here!"
"If you're not coming,"
"Then we're gonna come after you."
I still couldn't move as the Naruto's pounced at him and began to beat him to a bloody pulp.

The sun was slowly rising before Naruto was finished with Mizuki. I had Iruka Sensei standing with me as support while Naruto stood scratching the back of his neck.
"Sorry. I got a little carried away." He apologised. "You okay Iruka Sensei?" Sensei just nodded with a short.

I could only smile at him. He mastered an extremely advanced jutsu in just one night.
"Naruto come here a minute. I have something I want to give you." He ran over to us with a big smile.
"Close your eyes." Sensei instructed. He did as he was told. I watched as Iruka Sensei untied his forehead protector and tied it around Naruto's head. My eyes widened.

"Sensei! How much longer?" Naruto whined, I smiled at him. "Alright, you can open your eyes now."
It took a while but slowly, he came to notice that Sensei's forehead protector was no longer on his head. But on his own.

"Congratulations. You graduate! And to celebrate. I have a surprise. We're going out for Ramen tonight." Naruto just stood there for a while. I quickly let go of Iruka Sensei as he was tackled backwards.
"Iruka Sensei!" Naruto yelled happily. I laughed as they hugged and Sensei played with Naruto's forehead protector. Naruto turned to look at me.
"Thanks Kiyomi. For always coming to help me." He smiled.
"And I always will Naruto." I stated. He just smiled with his goofy laugh while Iruka Sensei tried sitting up.

Way-ta go Uzumaki.

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