Preliminary Problems

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"Yeah! Way-ta go Uzumaki!" I cheered loudly as I jumped to stand on the railing.

Naruto had just finished taking on Kiba and making an astonishing and expected come back.
Though his plan was... uh...unique?
It was nothing less then amazing!

He jumped up next to me and I instantly lunged at him.
"Kiyomi, awe! I don't need hugs!" He whined, I answered with a death grip as I hugged him harder.

"Kiyomi... Dying..!" I released my hold with a mega watt smile.
"I don't care what you think Uzumaki! Two of my boys made it through! I'm just so happy." I over exaggerated and fake bawling my eyes out almost like Gai Sensei.

I think he and Lee are rubbing off on me.


Oh no! And Kakashi Sensei!
Next thing you know, I'll start smoking like Asuma Sensei then start wearing a dress like Kurenai Sensei!

~Time Lapse~

Our eyes were focused on the screen as the next two competitors were named.

A strange feeling entered my gut as I looked to the next pair.
One was silently walking to the battleground while the other stood with a stoic expression.

"Neji." I began. He simply brushed me off.
"Don't bother to remind me." My teeth began grinding together as I watched him walk off with an air of arrogance trailing him.

My hands gripped the railings tightly, willing myself to not interfere with their fight.
Hinata looked quite nervous facing off with Neji who seemed to hate the Main Family for reasons I've only recently come to know.


The bars beneath my hold were being crushed together as their fight continued.
I didn't shout out like Naruto was, afraid I might just go and attack Neji myself.

He better not do it, he better not.

I kept reprimanding lowly.
I could see the pair wanting to dismantle eachothers chakra system in order to gain the upper hand in this battle.

Hinata seemed to really be holding up herself in this fight with Naruto's encouragement egging her on more.

The room fell to silence as Hinata was thrown to the floor.

Stuff it! I think the railings broken!

My face was emotionless as I was watching the fight continue.

"Argh! Come on Hinata! Get up!" Naruto yelled. I heard Sakura scolding him, saying Hinata's done for.

"No." I whispered as I watched her intensely.
"Come on Hinata." I think Naruto heard my whispers because he was looking at me funny.

I shook my head and jumped up to crouch on the railings. My feet on either side of my hands.


I yelled out just as he was about to call it.
I knew Kakashi Sensei was frowning, along with Kurenai and Gai Sensei.

Asuma Sensei was watching on with curiosity and the Genin seemed disappointed.

Except Shikamaru who gave a heavy sigh as he leaned next to me.

"It's a drag how you know Hinata's going to keep going now." I heard him grumble as I watched Hinata.

"What'd you mean Shikamaru. She's done." Choji asked confused.
"To you maybe but, Kiyomi will only ever give up once she's absolutely 100% sure that the persons finished.
To us, it seems Hinatas finished. If Kiyomi's still going on.
Its because she knows that they still have fight in them."

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