Team 7

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"Alright then! Thats the morning training down. Meet back here at 7 to go over survival." Gai Sensei said, dismissing us.

As soon as his back turned, I took off towards the academy.
I want to see what team Naruto is in.

I saw that the teams were already meeting with their Sensei as I rushed over them on the roof.

I saw Asuma with his group of three.
There was Shikamaru, Choji and a blonde girl in purple. Wonder who she is. I shrugged and ran on.

Ms. Kurenai was with some students as well. Wow! She was going to be a Sensei? Awesome!
Surrounding her was Shino, Kiba (with Akamaru) and Hinata. Quite the tracking team also they each had their different range attacks. Good first team.

Still I hadnt found Naruto, or Sasuke.

Oh honey puffs...

I kept passing a couple more teams before I finally found them.
Just as I thought. Cruel Old Man.

"Kiyomi. I see you're here to witness my new team fail."

Double Honey Puffs.

I turned to face Sir Kakashi Hatake who stood with his closed eyed smile.
"Dont be too sure Kakashi Sensei. They're ones who'll surprise you." I stated.
"Though I'm not too sure about Pinky there. She seems like a nice girl right?" I smiled up to him.
"Kiyomi. Why dont you come and meet my team." He grabbed my arm and pulled me next to him on the edge.

"Hey Kiyomi!" Naruto shouted with a wave. I laughed to him with a wave of my own.

"Alright then. After that little prank," My eyes instantly snapped to Naruto with a raised eyebrow. He simply laughed while scratching the back of his neck.
"Why dont you all introduce yourselves." Pinky looked confused, Naruto was all giddy and Sasuke. Was Sasuke.
"What do we say?" Pinky asked. I really need her name. I dont hate the colour pink, infact it looks great in a sunset/rise but. It almost feels like I'm calling her names.

"Well, why dont you tell me your likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams for the future." Kakashi said. She still looked confused. I think the mask was weirding her out.
"Why don't you start Sensei. You seem suspicious." I laughed as I pointed to him.
"Hah! That wouldn't be a first right Kakashi Sensei." Yup, he's now officially Kakashi Sensei to me.

"Alright then. I like a lot of things. My dislikes are... well you dont need to know that. My hobbies are... I dont feel like telling you guys and my dream for the future. Well... I never really thought about it." The team sweatdrop at that while he and I just smile.
"I liked that intro Kakashi Sensei. Gai Sensei said ours would be similar." He nodded his thanks.
"Alright. You blondey your up." Naruto jumped to his feet.

"My names Naruto Uzumaki. I like ramen and eating ramen. I really like it when Iruka Sensei or Kiyomi come with me to Ichiraku's and buy me ramen. I dont like the three minutes you have to wait when pouring the water into the ramen bowls. My hobbies are comparing ramen and playing around the park with Kiyomi when she's not busy with missions. And my dream for the future.
Is to become the greatest Hokage ever. Then everyone in the village will have to respect me. Believe it!" I saw Kakashi Sensei sweat drop while I smiled proudly over to him.
I really do believe he'll become Hokage one day.

"Alright. You Pinky." She straightened up and clapsed her hands together.
"My name is Sakura Haruno. What I like... well who I like is..." Her eyes drifted to Sasuke with a little giggle.
"My hobbies are... *giggle*. And dreams for the future...*eek!" I had to cringe and force the smile to stay on my face as I watched her. Poor Sasuke. A fangirl in his team.
"And I hate..." she stood up and pointed directly at Naruto.
"Naruto." I laughed a little. Poor Naruto. Poor Sasuke.

I burst out laughing.
"Alright you." Kakashi Sensei pointed to Sasuke. His collar covered up to his nose and a dangerous look set in his eyes.
"I hate a lot of things. And dont particularly like anything." I raised a eyebrow. He just smirked at me. His eyes softened a little. I got it the underlying meaning to that.

"My dream isn't quite a dream because I'll make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan and kill a certian someone."

A vision on Itachi came to mind and my face fell emotionless.
Even though I set that to past, I still cared about the Akatsuki. They were my family.
I couldn't stand the thought of anyone harming them. Though they were killers and S-ranked criminals.

"Alright then. Kiyomi. Your turn." I snapped my head to Kakashi Sensei.
"Oh, okay. My name is Kiyomi Kitan. I like a whole bunch things. I dislike quite a few things and my hobbies? Well. I have lots that I dont think I need to name." Then I remembered. I never told my team my dream.
"My dreams, I have two. Firstly, I will always support Naruto in his dream to become Hokage. I will never give up on believing in him. Secondly, I will protect those most precious to me with my life. I would rather die then to have another person close to me killed." I didn't quite understand why I had to make it clear as day to them. But all the words I spoke were true.

"Alright then. We have a mission tomorrow, meet me at the training grounds at 5 o'clock. Oh, and skip breakfast or you'll throw up." And he was gone.

~Next Day~

I ran to the training ground where Naruto and Team 7 were ment to be. I sat perched in a tree in waiting.
8 o'clock rolled around and Kakashi Sensei still hadnt made an appearance.

My eyes were dropping to close before I was joined on the tree I was pearched in.
"Good morning Kiyomi. I told you that you've come to watch more students fail." I laughed, turning to face the grey haired, masked Jonin.
"I told you yesterday Kakashi Sensei. They're ones who'll surprise you." He just chuckled before jumping from the branch and walking calmly into the clearing.

A while later (after Naruto and Sakura's scorning Kakashi Sensei for being late) he began to explain the exercise.
"You just have to get these bells from me." I was dumbfounded.

Thats it? Oh, then again. It'd take a very skilled ninja to take those bells from his possession. No doubt about it.
Even that skilled ninja would require a foolproof plan with reliable teammates to back him up and help.

They each tried attacking on their own to get the bells and got absolutely nowhere.
It was almost noon and I watched as Naruto tried to take food for himself. I took a sebon needle and threw it between his hand and the food. He jumped back in fright while holding his hand protectively.

Kakashi found him and tied him to a post, then the alarm went off.
I think I got the point of this exercise but, I'm not one hundred percent sure.

"Why are you put into squads of three!?" He questioned them. Squads of three.

It'd take an excellent ninja to get the bells.
With a good team to back him up and help!

"Its teamwork." I mumbled out loud. I looked down to see
Kakashi Sensei looking up to me.
"Took you a while to figure it out. Especially for you Kiyomi." All eyes were on my hiding spot and I laughed while scratching the back of my neck.
"Hehe. Yeah." Kakashi Sensei was smiling his one eyed smile.

His eyes snapped to the three others.
"Its teamwork. You're a team. Had you worked together you would've gotten the bells. Thats why there's three in a squad with a leader." I jumped to another branch and took cover again.
"I'll give you another chance. Eat lunch now. BUT NARUTO GETS NONE. Or you fail." He made that clear before he left.

They began to eat while I watched Naruto starve.

I was so close from jumping from the tree and shoving some food in his face to eat.
I was stopped when Sasuke offered his, then Sakura.
Thats the way.

Oh how I just wanted to pull them into a hug!

The sky went stormy and I jumped to my feet ready to attack if need be.
Oh, it was only Kakashi. *Que Sweat drop*

"You're one huh!?!" He looked stupid being angry with them. "Well!!! You pass."

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