Never Hurts To Help

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(Short One)

"Sasuke-kun! Sasuke-kun! Sasuke-kun!"

Their ear piercing screeches sounded as they all tried to gain his attention.
"I almost feel for the guy." Snickered a boy who carried a pup on his head. His eyes dangerous slit that glare at you with full intensity yet, once you get to know him. He's actually a real kind kid.

"Girls are so troublesome. It'd just be a big drag to even help him." Groaned another who was staring up at the clouds. Always so unmotivational. His facials as bored as ever, before he looked over to his best friend.

"Awwe come on Shikamaru. I'm sure he'd appreciate the help in getting them away right Naruto?" The big boned kid said well munching on a bag of his favourite chips. His heart as kind and considerate as ever.

"Neh! Why bother to help him! He wont even thank you! Believe it! Dont you think the same Kiyomi?" I laughed at them and pulled out my lunchbox packed with food

They all gathered round as I set it out.
"I'm not sure. Itd be nice to help like Choji said.
But Shikamaru's right, it would be a drag.
Im like Kiba and do feel sorry for the poor guy and of course, I agree with Naruto.
He wouldnt say thank you would he?" They each nodded at their own statement.

"But, those are only the judgements we've based on our own separate knowledge.
We never really know if we dont try right? Its never wrong to help ya know?" I said as I finished setting out the food.

They looked taken back and I laughed. "If we cant help him by fighting. We distract them." I winked before using transformation jutsu.

I was now a boy two years senior to me.
He was one of the most popular guys in the academy. He was cool and charming and had good ninja skills. "Your going to be Huren Anki?" I smirked before walking towards the group around Sasuke.

"Hey Sasuke." I greeted. The girls turned towards me at first with a glare that then faded to heart eyes as they all squealed. .

"Huren-kun! Huren-kun!! Huren-kun!!!"

They screamed.

"Thats good aim and all but, this is how you do it right." I pulled 3 shuriken from my side bag.

Aiming for his previously thrown shuriken, I noted that they were almost perfectly in centre.

I did say almost though.

With a smirk, I covered my eyes and threw the three shuriken.

Two knocked his two down while my remaining one split his in half and lodged itself into the centre target.

The girls looked stunned before they had a screaming fit. Hands clapsed together with hearts beating in their eyes.

He smirked at me and I sent him a wink. Then he took off while the girls were distracted.
"Well, I gotta run. Class starts soon." I gave a wink before strutting back towards the academy.

The boys were rolling around laughing, while the girls stayed in their previous state.

I stepped through the doors only to be pushed up against the walls.
"Who do you think you are using me as a transformation dummy?" Damn, its the real Huren.

He punched me in the gut, causing the jutsu to fade.
"So, a girl was mocking me huh?" He asked with a smirk.

Oh how I wanted to knock his teeth in.

Just as I was about to.
A shuriken was thrown and grazed his arm, forcing him to drop me.

"Hey, let her go. You should actually be on your knees. Thanks to her, your more popular then me." I looked down the hall to see it was Sasuke standing there.

"Ah, Sasuke Uchiha. The very last Uchiha in Konoha." He teased. I snapped.

Jumping to my feet I threw a full packed punch to his gut making his head bow to where I could whisper in his ear. "Talk to Sasuke like that again."

I moved closer in a threatening way. "And I'll kill you." I said in a sweet voice.

I grabbed his tshirt in my hand and pulled him lower. I felt as the dark chakra returned and swirled around me to fill the air with hate.

"Got it?" There was a growl to my voice that had him shaking in fear. "Y-y-yes miss"

I let go of his top and he took off in a sprint.
"Hn. Wimp." I heard Sauke mutter. .
"Says the one who shook in fear when he was threatened."
Yeah, that got him quiet. I saw him tug the collar of his black shirt higher to cover the blush.

"Awwe, dont worry Sasuke. I wont tell anyone. And thanks. For stopping him." I smiled.

He just smirked back at me. "Hn." Then he was gone.
I shook my head in mock disapproval.

"That Damn Uchiha."

Then took my leave.

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