Emergency op.

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"Jiraiya. Is this brat. 'The' little Brat?" Someone gave a deep chuckle to this question.
"Yeah. This is still your little brat." I could hear the smirk in each sentance said.

"What really happened to her?" There was a soothing touch over my forehead and I gave a sigh.

"Over use of chakra Asuma said." The touch was gone and replaced by someone petting my hair.
"Alright brat. She should be fine now."

There was a loud sigh.
"That's great! Alright! There's one more person." Naruto? I smiled.

"Lee! Rock Lee! He's this way!" There's Gai Sensei. I thought there was another in here.

"Alright." I sat up and pushed the cover off me.
Prying my eyes open to see the other occupants of the room.

"Hey brat." I gave a small smile to the blonde haired lady with two neat ponytails hanging low. She had on a green, short sleeved coat, black pants and some deadly looking high heels.
"Hey Lady Princess." She smirked at me.

"Hey kid! You're finally awake huh!?" I turned to Pervy Toad with a suspicious glance.
"Hey Pervy Toad." I greeted. The air of my words were dangerous. "How went your mission?" He gulped.
"Fine kid."

Princess Tsunade stepped next to me with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face.

I turned to him with a small smile.
"How's your froggy?" Pervy Toad gulped louder.
"Empty." He deadpanned.

I glared at the Pervy Toad.
"3 prohibitions of a ninja huh?" He gave a sheepish smile.
"Haha, Tsunade, don't you have to go and check on Lee." I looked to Gai Sensei who was practically bursting in silence.

With wide eyes, I turned back to Pervy Toad. Who was now gone.
"Damn Pervy Toad." I grumbled before swinging my feet off the bed and standing on wobbly legs.
"Let's go check on Lee." I said as I struggled to take a step.
"Maybe you just stay here Kiyomi. Lady Tsunade will take care of it." I gave a smile to Lady Princess' loyal assistant.
"Hey Shizune!" I greeted. She smiled warmly to me before nodding a greeting.

"Okay. I'll stay here." I plopped back on to the bed and lay back tiredly.

"Still low on chakra." I muttered as the two left the room.

"Kiyomi?" My head snapped to the side.
"Naruto!" I gasped in shock. I totally forgot about him.
"Hehe. Yeah, I forgot to ask you. How'd you know Pervy Sage?" I giggled at his nickname.

"Remember when I left the village for 6 months?" He nodded his head with his thinking face.

His tounge was sticking out the side of his lips, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and his hand was under his chin.

"Oh... Yeah!" I smiled.
"Well, Pervy Toad was the one who was supposedly training me. Along with Lady Princess." He was shocked.
"You mean Granny Tsunade?"

I burst out laughing.
"So Pervy Toad told you about her age huh?" He nodded.

We both looked to the door. Sakura was standing there, fiddling with her fingers while someone stood hiding behind her.

"Haruki?" A little head peeked out from behind her. Multicolored eyes peering with curiosity.


He ran at me and jumped on to the hospital bed.
"You're okay." He whispered.

I hugged him tightly as he did me.

"Where's Granny Chieko and Haruko?" He pulled back and began crying.

"Hey, hey. Shh. Tell me what's wrong." I cooed.

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