BloodShed;Toshiaki Hideki

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I turned to the mirror that sat in the far corner of the study.

Noting the way that my uniform was snug as it slipped it over my body. It was no longer baggy around the waist but instead hugged it. Good, no more being caught because of it.

I pulled my cloak over my shoulders, slipping my arms in with one fluid motion.
It still covered the Anbu uniform and cast a shadow over my entire body.

I grabbed my mask that had previously been left on the shelf filled with jutsu from the Hidden Waterfall.

I slowly let my mask cover my face.
My now bright ruby red eyes adorned the once black holes of nothingness.
A deadly gleam set in them at the mere thought of doing another S-ranked mission.

I used a teleportation jutsu to end up back infront of Lord Third. In a bowing posistion.

"Blood Fox. Your mission is to assassinate a rogue ninja of the Mist by the name Jin-Lee.
He's known to have information on the Leaf that could potentially lead to the destruction of the Hidden Leaf Village.

With him is a whole group of Rogue ninja who take command from him at a high pay rate.
He has along side him a Rogue ninja of the Sand, Toshiaki Hideki.

"Toshiaki has been notified that a couple Leaf Anbu will help in his retrieval as repayment for what he had done many years before.

You will meet up with Tenzo who will give you detail on a more deep level.
Kakashi, you will take Kiyomi to the meeting point with Tenzo then leave. Dismissed." Both Kakashi Sensei and I bowed to the Third before Kakashi Sensei placed his hand on my shoulder.

We ended up outside the Gates of Konoha where Kakashi Sensei turned on me.

"Blood Fox. Before we continue, The Sand Shinobi. Gaara has taken quite a liking to you and Sasuke. I just wanted to warn you now."
Without a word to him, I nodded and we left the Leaf gates.

~Time Lapse~

"Thank you Senpai." A man in a Panther Anbu mask bowed to his senior who in return nodded before leaving.

"Blood Fox. I believe Lord Hokage has given you a briefing on the mission at hand." I nodded to him.
"Alright then. This is the plan."


The night breeze chilled the air, my coat protecting me from the cool chill.

I looked down to the young man who was cuffed with chains and pinned to a tree.

He was whistling out a merry tune while laughing at the men who hit him to the tree roughly.
"Shut up you brat or I'll cut out your tounge and make use of it elsewhere!" One of the captors threatened.

To this Toshiaki laughed obnoxiously loud.
"I bet you'd just love to use my tounge for yourself aye fella?" I smirked from under my mask. Same old Toshi.

The man grew red in either anger or embarrassment before punching him square in the face and leaving.

My second warmth wrapped around me.

I heard a cricket call in three small high notes that came twice through the air.

Following the signal, I summoned Big Brother Shadow. He turned to the clearing and without a word, nodded before cloaking me.

I swiftly took cover behind a tree ready to sneak to the centre post where Toshiaki subsided.

I was always best defence, my duty in this particular mission was to beat and retrieve.

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