Right Hand-Deeper Meaning

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I was once again standing in Old Man Sensei's office with Pervy Toad at my side.
"Kiyomi. First of all, thank you for breakfast. It was as delicious as always." He said with a smile however, the air seemed to be giving off the opposite emotion to the one formed on his face.

My face was as serious as the mood in the room.

You see, I knew when to be serious and take things seriously with Sarutobi Sensei, I learnt that he gives you everything straight as long as he believes you can handle it.
"Lord Third. I believe theres a more important reason as to why you've summoned me here yet again. I would appreciate it if I was told straight." I stated with a bow.

I noticed that Pervy Toad wasnt surprised at my sudden seriousness but instead, looked like he understood exactly what game I played at. So he knew the old man like that as well.
"Kiyomi. I have deemed it best that you travel with Jiraiya for 6 months while we try to stabilise the situation with Orochimaru.
He will become your Sensei for that time along with Tsunade Senju. Once you find her." My head snapped up to meet his serious gaze.

"But Sensei! I cant leave Konoha!
I cant leave them!
I need to look after Konohamaru and Naruto and Sasuke!
I cant just leave for six months!" He slowly stood up and faced me.
"Kiyomi. This is something I have already decided upon. All as the Third Hokage, your Sensei and your Guardian.
I want you to learn to control your special chakra and use the blood of Hashirama Senju within you.
To become both a splendid shinobi and Medical Nin you must be taught by the best.
And who better then two of the three legendary Sannin?" I really wanted to argue against him.

To tell him it was in fact because of one of His three Legendary Sannin, that I had these different types of chakra in the first place.
Only I never.

The Third has only ever done what he believed was right. It was on almost every occasion where hes had to make a difficult decision that he's come out on top.

Thats why he was Hokage. Not only because he was one of the strongest shinobi alive. But because of his ability to always make the right decision.

I clinched my fists at my sides before bowing.
"H-Hai Sensei." I heard as he sighed.
"Its only six months Kiyomi. You should be back before the years graduates are announced." I looked back at him with sad eyes.
"I just want to know that they'll be okay. That Sir Kakashi and Sasuke wont live souly off rice balls.
That Naruto will wake up in time for school and make friends.
And that Konohamaru wont have to cry through another storm. That they'll never be alone again." I whispered.
"I will be sure to make that happen until you return." He promised.

"How old man? How can you promise that, run a village with civilians and be sure the shinobi of the village are okay?" He puffed his pipe with a smile.
"Kakashi will tend to Sasuke's eating habits as well as change his own. Two birds with one stone.
Naruto will make new bonds in no time and as for Konahamaru.
Well, he is my Grandson. I will never leave him alone." I felt as tears threatened to spill from my eyes. I ran into the old mans arms and hugged him.

"You weird old man Sensei. You shouldnt have to shoulder my burdens. Or anyone elses." I sniffled, not yet ready to cry. He simply patted my back.

"I usually have to remind Naruto of this all the time.
The Hokage is someone who looks after the whole village like they're family." I pulled back to stare at him.
"Sensei. When do I leave?" He nodded to Pervy Toad.
"In a week." I heard him say.
"Alright then. Thats enough time to teach Kakashi and Sasuke to cook.
Naruto to set an alarm and Konahamaru to wear earplugs ya know." With a bow and another hug to the old man, I left him and Pervy Toad to discuss the complications of our travel and I rushed out.
"Naruto. I need to tell you something." He turned on the swing to look back at me.
"Whats wrong Kiyomi?" I heard him jump off and walk over to me.

"I'm gonna leave the village to train for 6 months." I whispered.

I expected him to blow up at me and accuse me for lying, then storm off and declare that he never wants to see me again.

"Well thats good for you Kiyomi ya know!
When I become Hokage, Im gonna need good trained ninja by my side. And if you wanna be my right hand man. You gotta be strong right." I smiled at him, pulling him in for a hug.
"Thanks Naruto. And yeah." I jumped to my feet and grabbed my muscle with one hand while showing my fist to him.

"And I will be your right hand. Be careful. If I start training now, I might beat you and you'll be My right hand man." I laughed.

He stood up and copied my stance.
"Yeah right!" He stood proud and put his thumb to his chest.
"Im gonna be Hokage one day. You'll be My right hand. That way you'll always be beside me." I chuckled.

"Thats what best friends are for right?" He offered his hand in the shinobi peace sign.
"It'll be like our goodbye." I took it with my own.
"We'll only have to do it this once Naruto." He gave his infamous grin before we heard someone running towards us.

"Big sis! Big sis!" I heard being yelled through the forest.
"Arrgh!" I yelled, but it was too late.

A blur ran straight at me and tackled me to the floor.
"Watch it squirt!" I heard Naruto yell as he pulled the kid from me.

Konohamaru sat opposite me rubbing his behind with a glare pointed to Naruto who was huffing.

"Here Kiyomi." I took his hand and he helped me to my feet. I caught my bearings and shook my head.
"Big sis! Old man says your going somewhere! Why!?" He yelled. I froze in place.

He just called me.... He thinks I'm his-....

"Sis?" I blinked at him in shock.
"Kiyomi? You alright?" I felt as tears blurred my vision before I swept him right off his feet.

"You called me sis! Oh Konohamaru! I love you! I love you! I love you!" I yelled.

He grabbed on for dear life as I spun around and around. When I finally calmed down, Konohamaru was a sickly green and Naruto was rolling around on the ground laughing his heart out.

I smiled and placed Konohamaru on the ground.
"Yeah. You are... my big... sis right?" He asked as he tilted side to side. I grabbed him in another hug and crushed him.
"Kiyomi. Cant. Breathe." I pulled back in a rush.
"Sorry Konohamaru. Just got a little excited. You called me big sis for the first time." I gushed.

He looked confused.
"You've been my big sis for a long time. Ask anyone at school. They'll tell you." He said with a frown, to which I returned with a smile.
"Anyway! Where are you going and why?!" I was about to answer when Naruto butted in.

"Shes going to train for 6 moths and get stronger! So she'll be a strong kunoichi and My right hand! Believe it!" He yelled happily.

"Gee sis. If was only to train, why'd you not tell me. I woulda understand. That means its okay cause your gonna come back." He smiled at me. I couldnt help it. I picked him up and crushed him to me.
"Aww. I have a little Brother!" I yelled happily.

"Kiyomi! Hes going green! Your gonna kill him!" Naruto yelled

I loosened my hold but didnt put him down.
"This is definitely in top ten best days of my life." I whispered to no one in particular.

I now had a dream...

I was going to be Naruto's pillar that supports His dream.
(Konan taught me that metaphor.)

I will become stronger in order to become his second in command.

I had a little brother.
And I have a Will of Fire.

I will protect and die for the ones I hold most dear to me and also I will defend this entire village till my dying breath.

I wont fail Konohamaru or Naruto.

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