Brekkie Boys

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(Short One)

"Eat up then." I said while smiling to the two boys as they stuffed their faces.

Awwe... how cute do they look.

I thought to myself.

I heard a very faint tap on the door over the deafening noise of the storm.

Slowly, without them noticing. I grabbed about three honey glazed puffs and slipped silently to the door.

An Anbu women stood soaked to the bone holding a scroll towards me. Her long purple hair slightly sticking to her tiger mask.
"Miss Kiyomi, you're wanted by the Hokage as soon as the Honorable Grandson in returned home."

I nodded to her in all seriousness before offering her a smile.
"Here. Its my honey glazed puffs. Try one." I said as I handed them to her.

"Will you please wait here. I have a parcel that needs to be delivered to the Old Man." She nodded once and I rushed back inside.

"Naruto? Where are the containers I gave to you last week?" I yelled.
"Second cupboard on your right!" Was his reply.

I grabbed one out before moving to the table.
I packed it up with freshly baked muffins, honey puffs, jam filled tarts and steaming hot pork buns.
"Here you go. Tell him enjoy." I said with a smile as I handed them off to the girl.

"Oh wait." I rushed back in, grabbed another container and pulled open the oven.

"I love the smell of Freshly baked Puffs in the morning.
I placed two dozen into the container then continued to coat them with my special honey glaze before rushing back out.

"And this is for you and your team." I smiled. She simply nodded her head once before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

It took a little over 2 hours before the boys fell back with a happy sigh.
"Heaven." I heard Konohamaru laugh.
"Sweet sweets in Heaven." Naruto followed. I just laughed at them.
"Thanks for the food Kiyomi!" They yelled in sync. That caused me to double over.

I just love these two knuckleheads to bits.

I thought to myself.

Kiyomi Uzumaki-KitanWhere stories live. Discover now