Letter to a Friend

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"Glad it still works." I smiled lightly at the crow and stared into its one pitch black eye.

It cocked its head to the side to reveal a more dark grey eye colour then black.

"Hello Shisui bird." I whispered.

This crow has Shisui Uchiha's eye implanted into it as a keep safe.

The only one that can summon the bird is whoever is in possesion of Itachi's Sharingan.

Confused yet?

Me giving the earlier signal was to summon a different crow that signals Itachi to send Shisui bird. See?

I layed out the paper and began to scribble down a message.

"Dear Itachi,

This letter is to inform you that the Third Hokage has been murdered.

He was killed by Orochimaru who escaped before I could, in return, kill him.

I regret to inform you that I maybe unable to uphold the set mission you personally gave me.

You see, they now hold the completed recreation of the objective and are growing more unstable as the days pass.

I fear for how long I can hold off before having to kill the tagret in order to obtain the objective.

I'm sorry.

I have failed you Itachi.

Though it is not my place to be asking, I would like to request knowledge of your plans for now.

Sincerely, Kiyomi.

Ps. Tell The Akatsuki guys that I miss them a little.

And I miss you and Kisame a lot.
Oh, and Konan and Leader of course."

I rolled the paper to a close and looked to Shisui bird.

"Alright Shisui bird. This needs to be delivered as soon as." The crow bowed its head in understanding and took the letter in its mouth before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

"Sorry Itachi."

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