Neji Vs. Kiyomi

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The clock was striking 6 and already I felt the tense air suffocate me.

I stood facing off with Neji opposite.

One day with him and already I dislike him. He hasn't gived me any reason to like him.
So far he's glared at me, ignored me, snorted at me and glared at me.

He's making it hard to find any damn good in him.
"Alright. Kiyomi. Neji. Its until the first gives in. Begin when you're ready." Gai Sensei instructed.

Iruka Sensei taught us that when facing a fellow comrade, you must always make this sign to say that you understand that this fight is not to the death.

In thinking so, I held up half of the Ram handsign and showed it towards Neji who did the same.

First thing that hasn't made me angry.
I nodded to him before getting into a fighting stance.
"I wont go easy because you're a girl." He warned, to that I only smiled.
"I dont expect you to." Then my facials grew deadly serious.

~3rd Persons~

Neji didn't yet find it necessary to activate him biyakugan whilst going up against such a weak competitor.

Kiyomi on the other hand wasn't going to hold back anything. She was taught that any and every competitor deserves to be fought with full strength. Because if not, its just a mere mockery.

She stood, looking ready to kill while Neji looked disgusted.

A student in a lower grade in his team? He couldnt stand the thought.

She struck. Moving really fast to throw her fist towards his face. He easily dodged it wth a smirk. "Is that it?" He asked, she smirked as her foot closely followed behind her hand and sent him flying.

Neji couldn't believe it. She had hit him.

With anger now fueling him, he activated his biyakugan.

In seeing this, Kiyomi grew excited at the level it was raising to be.
Maybe she could copy him.

Instead of following through with her thought, she continued to engage in a Taijutsu battle before he pulled out a kunai and caught her arm.
He dug it in deeper before throwing her across the training ground.

Kiyomi landed perfectly on her feet like a perched bird ready to fly.
She looked at her arm in shock. He cut me.
She could feel her blood begining to boil in anger.


Pervy Toad had shown her how to control it. How to use her second warmth and stay in control. Though she couldn't control her hair from brightening to its crimson blood red or her eyes taking on the more ruby shade. Yet.

"In time." Pervy Toad had said. She will learn to control it in time.

When she felt calm enough to continue, she made her face completely blank. Void of any emotion.
Her second warmth wrapped around her securely and began to heal her kunai wound.

Then she ran at top speed towards Neji. Leaping into the air, she raised her fist filled with a little chakra.
"Hai ka!"
She made for her descend before making contact with the ground that crumbled at her touch.

With the distraction, she did her handsigns for her next move. "Wind style;Ravens Wings!" She crossed her arms in a 'X' shape before seperating them.

A great gust of air stormed towards Neji who stood in shock. A Genine shouldn't posses such chakra and strength!

The gust sent Neji crashing into a pole in the training ground and was stuck there as the air got thicker.

"Earth Style;Four walled prison!"
He tried to look up, only to see her slam one palm to the ground while the other faced him. The wind ceased and he fell.

The earth around him rose from the ground and crushed him into a box. 3 solid mud walls and one that was bars.

Kiyomi ran up to him with a sebon needle in hand. She threw it at him, pinning Neji right in the neck.
His body was no longer under his control as it fell to the floor of his cell block.

She pulled a kunai and held it to his neck.

He was amazed. Perhaps he had judged her wrongly. He lowered his head with a sort of smile on it.

"I give. Congratulations Kiyomi Kitan." He chuckled.
Kiyomi smiled, her hair fell perfectly back in place. Taking on its black shade while her crimson eyes shined.

She removed the needle and helped Neji to his feet. She held out her two fingers of her left hand as he did his.

"Great fight Neji." She laughed happily. He just smiled at her before they were rejoined by Lee and Gai Sensei.

"Great Job you two! What an amazing demonstration of the power of youth!" Gai Sensei praised with Lee next to him.
"Alrigh then, that is training dissmissed for the day. Nice job." He walked away with a smirk.

'It worked. Neji now knows the exact reason as to why Kiyomi was put with us. Next, I will get him to understand the importance of Lee's Taijutsu.'

He thought to himself before leaving.

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