Teaming Together

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They were surround by hundreds of clones by the enemy, cocky grins on their faces as they slowly advanced forward.
Then it started.

A large barrage of kunai we sent flying towards the group as the ninja clones rushed them.

Gaara's sand rushed from his gourd and shielded the entire group.

"He fell for it!" A ninja from behind the sand sheild yelled.

Jumping to her feet, Kiyomi rested an open palm on the sand shield.
A stream of her chakra leaked from her palm and enclosed the shield with another line of defence just in time.

The enemy nin had entangled the sand shield with wires that tried to slip through, all the while coated with paper bombs. Their objective was to bomb everyone on the inside.

"Damn it! What happened!?" Another nin yelled as they moved closer to the sheild.

"1,2,3,4,5,6...6. Tsk. Too easy."
Everyone stared at Kiyomi as she stood with a dark look on her face.

"Well! Don't just stand there! Break the damn thing open!" Their leader yelled angrily.

"Expand." She pushed Kyuubi's chakra even further to envelope the enemy outside. Pushing it even more so it wasn't connected to herself.
"Electric Current."

There were tortured cries from outside the barrier before it fell silent.
"Should be done by now." Kiyomi mumbled before removing her hand.
"Let the guard down Gaara." She ordered sternly.

Slowly, Gaara released the sand guard and showed a total of 6 enemy nin laying unconscious on the ground.

Burn marks wrapping around their limp bodies as ashes rested around their forms.

Slowly, they all began to dissolve into gains of sand.
"Sand clones?" Temari panicked slightly, her fan showing one crest while she spun around to scope out the enemy.

"Too slow!" Hands reached out from under her and grabbed at her calfs.

She gave a shout of surprise just before a groan of pain escaped her lips. She was pulled underground until nothing but her head was showing.

"Temari!" Kankuro yelled. Both the Sabaku brothers turned to their older sister.

Raising his palm, Gaara sent his sand into the earth below her. Grinding down all the dirt surrounding her until it was nothing but grains of sand.

Rushing forward, Kankuro pulled Temari from the sand pit. Her legs were marked with deep scratches and cut marks.

"Careful!" The two looked up in time to see Kiyomi leap infront of them to fend of an enemy who charged at them.

The enemy nin lept back a good 20 yards before landing gracefully on his feet.

"Very impressive Leaf Princess. Not many ninja are able to predict my attacks like yourself." He praised with a taunting smirk masking his features.

Kiyomi 'tsked' at his arrogance as she stood straight. Arms crossed over her chest with her weight more on her right foot.

"Don't take it personally but, no one is able to conceal their presence from me. Not even a weak one like yours." His smirk only widened as he pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose.

"I'll be the judge of that." Then he disappeared from sight.

Taking caution, Kiyomi focused on making her chakra cloak over both Yuma and Eran.

"Hey kid." She turned to look at Kankuro with a glare.
"What?" Her voice was cold, holding a dangerously high hint of venom.
"You should just focus on the fight. Temari and I will guard these two." She turned back to look at the determined Eran and the still sleeping Yuma.

"Fine. If you let them get hurt, I'll rip you apart with your own damn puppets." She threatened darkly.
"No, not threatened." A dark smirk crossed her lips as she turned away.

Kankuro gulped in fear before heading over to the two he was in charge of, his older sister being led with him.

"Kiyomi." She didn't have to turn to know the owner of such a raspy soft voice. Only nodded her head once to the red haired Jinchuriki.

Summoning forth a sand shield, he left it to surround the two clients while Temari and Kankuro stood extra guard.

20 or so enemy nin clones filled the clearing, menacing smirks on their faces, kunai in both hands and their heavy chakra practically suffocating the two guards.

Kiyomi and Gaara stood unaffected by the heavy chakra, theirs being of higher density.

The said two stepped forward together.

Sand swirling dangerously around their feet as dark chakra filled in the air behind them. Dense enough for the human eye to see.

The 20 cloned ninja stepped back a bit as the dark, vicious air of the two teens standing there raced through their throats.

Burning their osophogase, sending sharp pains into the pit of their stomachs before slowly tearing their insides apart.

"Set Gaara?" Kiyomi asked the red haired Jinchuriki boy who simply gave her a nod in reply. She smirked darkly as she made the final handsign.
"Infinite Darkness." The entire world around them was wrapped up in this darkness. Sending the world plummeting into the dark oasis.

Temari watched as the pitch black box swallowed all the enemy nin whole along with her brother and Kiyomi Kitan from her position on the ground.

Her torn up legs spread out before her, her hand gripping at the black fabric covering her oher younger brother.

Screams of torture rang out from inside the black box, tiny splatters of blood following the sounds like rain falling from the skies.
"Gross." Temari muttered, using her fan as an umbrella to shelter her and Kankuro.
"Does this remind of Gaara's sand coffin?" He asked as he leaned back on the sand shield. Temari nodded.

"Let's go." Both of them looked up to see Gaara standing over the pair with an annoyed Kiyomi staunching over to the sand shield.

"Drop the damn-"
Before she finished the sand shield was down making her frown deepen. She cracked her head around to face Gaara who stood with a ghost of a smirk loitering on his lips.
She growled at him before stalking towards Yuma and Eran.

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