Fears Of Falling

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I gave a sigh as I jumped from the tree and landed next to Toshiaki.

His arm came flying around, trying to land a hit, but I skillfully dodged his attack. I used my medical ninjutsu and struck his head, using the jutsu to calm his brain cells.
He slumped to the ground, his eyes falling to a close from exhaustion.
"Thanks Princess." He gave a full blown smile that reminded me of a certain knucklehead in the Leaf.

I chuckled while turning to my team.
"You're pathetic Toshiaki." He laughed as he jumped up and ripped off my mask.

"It is my Princess!" He laughed as he colled me.
I laughed with him while crushing him to me.

His stench of sweat and stale blood filling my nose. I grimaced before pushing him back.
"Gross. Did they not let you bathe or something?"

He shook his head before hugging me again.
"I missed you Princess. At one point, when I heard about you're brother. I thought you had been killed as well." He whispered.
I could hear the worry in his words as he pulled me closer.

This feeling is so nostalgic that I just wanted to stay here in this embrace forever.

"Then I heard about the Blood Fox of the Leaf and I was like. Well maybe... So I ran to the Leaf to find you and boom!" He pulled back and petted my hair.
"It was my little Princess indeed." I smiled up at him.

"Thanks Toshiaki." There was a cough behind us and I turned to see that Captain Tenzo had removed his mask and was standing next to us.

"Well. The mission was a success so. We'd better be heading back. Toshiaki Hideki, you're coming back with us. If you refuse-" I cut in.

"I'll break your legs and drag you back." I smiled brightly with the flickering flames grew dimmer and dimmer. Making my threat seem darker more.

"Don't get your jutsu twisted Princess. I'll be coming back to the Leaf." I smiled at him before we left.

~Time Lapse~

"Very well. Kiyomi. You will take Toshiaki Hideki to that apartment you have stuffed with books where he will stay temporarily. Then we'll discuss more plans tomorrow." Old Man dismissed us and I took Toshiaki's hand and dragged him behind me.
"Leggo!" I yelled as I whisked him out towards the apartments.

~Time Lapse~

"I didn't pin you for one to settle in a village Princess. I always thought you'd leave to find Itachi or Tobi." I nodded nonchalantly.

Why now?
Why, after 3 years is everything coming back?
Why now?

"Princess? You alright?" I nodded again, not really wanting to reply.

I was to deep in thoughts to even comprehend a relatively good response.

I don't understand why it's all happening now?
What's really coming?

Toshiaki sat behind me and pulled me back between his legs. Turning to my side, I cuddled into his chest and put my legs over one of his.
"I'm so confused Toshi. I don't even know anything anymore." I admitted.

He just smiled while petting my hair down.
"Come on Princess, I'm sure you know at least one thing." He tried to convince me.

I raised my eyebrow at him.
"And whats that?" He smiled like a complete moron.
"That your name is Kiyomi!"
He began to laugh loudly, crushing me to him chest.
"Gosh, you're such a bother Toshiaki!" I laughed with him.

I saw the sun begining to rise on the horizon and gave a yawn.
"Bedtime for the little Princess huh?" I nodded tiredly and closed my eyes.

I felt Toshiaki pick me up and walked over to the window and stepped out of it.

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