Friends in The Shadows

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I sensed the Shadow close by and sped up slightly.

'Lady Kiyomi. I was wondering what had you done to get my Brother to talk with you.' I heard the Shadow ask me. I shrugged unknowingly.
"Why do you ask?"
'He doesn't speak with humans.'
"Oh, well. He did say I had grown on him?"
'Oh. I see why now.'
'Because you remind my Brother of Him.'
'Our first summoner.'
"How do you figure?"
'Our first Summoner was the only other person he had changed forms for.'
"Changed Forms? What'd you mean?"
'Well, Shadows dont usually like to change from being smoke creatures. Its such a... hindrance. It allows enemys to strike us down. My Brother has shifted twice for you.'
"Twice? When?"
'Well one. When he had used his blade to fend of Orochimaru's and Two. In carrying that boy away at your request.'

I was dumbfounded. Shadows were speaking to me and one had shifted. Twice! Knowing he could've been caught if he wasn't careful.
"I truely am greatful to your brother. But, what makes any of that suspicious and how do you know he's only doing it specifically for me?"
'Because. Unlike other summons, we Shadows dont have to protect the Summoners. We could let them die so long as they haven't ordered us to help.
Protecting you was a choice my brother had made. Knowing full well of the consequences had he been hurt.'
"Oh..." Was all I could say. We ran in silence for a while before I just had to ask.

"What's your brothers name?" The Shadow chuckled deeply.
'That is a question I haven't been asked in many, many years. I almost forget he has a real name. Usually I only call him Brother.
If you want his real name Lady Kiyomi. I'm afraid you must ask him.'
I saw the village walls come into sight and gave a sigh of relief.

"How many Shadows are there in your clan?"
It was silent for a while before he answered.
'There are only Ten of us.'
"Ten? How come only ten?" He chuckled again.
'Because there was only ten that we had to Shadow.'
A growl vibrated through my mind as the dark voice came back.

'"Tell him I said shut it Brat."'
I scaled the wall and jumped to land easily on the top.

"Dark Voice says to tell you to shut it."
The Shadow only chuckled.
'Here comes big brother.'
My first Shadow appeared right infront of us still holding the boy over in his cloak. I felt my body get lighter as the Second Shadow left me.

'Kiyomi. I am truely glad you made it back safetly.'
He said while handing me the boy. I put him on my back before looking back to the Shadow brothers.

"Thank you Shadows. Though one day. I'll have your names and thank you properly." I told them with a smile.

The brothers turned to look at eachother like their faceless hoods were communicating with one an other.
'I understand.' First Shadow spoke while facing back to me.
'One day Kiyomi. When I believe I can trust you with my dead soul. I may tell you all history of Us Shadows. I may even tell you our names.' His voice was cold but there was sincerity behind it. I smiled. He was going to give me a chance.
"Okay! Thank you both for coming to help me. I truely am lucky to have you as Summons. Perhaps even my Friends in the Shadows." I laughed lightly.

'Brother?' Second Shadow asked. His voice slightly lighter then his brothers.
'Perhaps one day we show her our forms.' First Shadow bent his head to the ground.
'Perhaps. Good night to you Kiyomi.' I nodded.
'Yes. Goodnight Lady Kiyomi.' Then they were gone in a puff of smoke.

"Hey! Over here!" I heard a guard call. I looked up to see three running towards me.
"Kiyomi!" I was bonked on the head by a worried looking Kotetsu who was on guard from 6-11 usually.
"Ow! Hey!" I grabbed my head, almost dropping the boy.

He was lifted from my back and another Ninja who rushed him to hospital.

"What happened? Why were you out so long?"
I cocked my head to the side at him.
"Whats the time?" He checked his watch.
"Nearly 4." Wow, I was gone for a while.
"I had a really deadly encounter." I told him.
"With a couple of rogue ninja. They're disposed of now." I continued. He nodded at me before relaxing.
"Good." Then he bonked me again.
"Ow!" He just smirked.
"Dont stay out so late then." He chuckled before leaving me sitting and rubbing my head.

"That hurt Kotetsu!"

Kiyomi Uzumaki-KitanWhere stories live. Discover now