Festival Fever

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Two more days till I leave huh?
Tonight theres a festival being held for who knows what. I dont even want to go.
"Kiyomi! Come on already will ya! The festival started ages ago!" I heard Naruto yell from downstairs.

I internally groaned before pulling my hair into an elegant side bun on top of my head.
"Kiyomi!" Now it was Konahamaru's turn. I just laughed at them.
"Alright, alright!" I stepped out and ran down the stairs as fast as I could in my kimono.

It was a simple dark blue with red thread stiches up my left side in a criss cross pattern.

"Finally! What took you so long anyway!?" Naruto complained while my hand grabbed his and Konahamaru's..
"Who cares. Lets go!" Konahamaru yelled pulling us out the door.
"Yeah! Four free coupons to Ichiraku's! Yeah!" I laughed as Naruto bounced around holding the coupons in the air.

"Kiyomi, here." Konohamaru handed me a stuffed yellow fox with a massive grin. "I just won it!" I smiled as I kissed his forehead. "Thanks Konohamaru. I think thats really great ya know."

He smiled.
"Its so when you get lonely on your travel, you can think of me." I watched as his cheeks turned a faint pink and tears gathered in his eyes.
"Im just gonna miss you big sis." He wiped at his nose with his sleeve.

Kneeling to his level, I took him in a warm gentle hug.
"I'll always think of you Konohamaru, and I'll come back and teach you a few things yeah?" I asked quietly.

His sniffling slowly faded before he pulled back.
"Yeah. Okay. Alright! Time to win more stuffed toys!" He yelled before taking off.
"Stay with Naruto Konohamaru!" I yelled after him.

Sighing, I turned to where I knew the training grounds were.
"I bet'cha." Muttering lightly, I made my way to him. With a bag in tow.

"Sasuke!" He was panting as he stared at his perfectly aimed shuriken peircing the target.
"Sasuke!" I tried again. His head turned to face me with a frown, as per usual.
"What do you want Kiyomi?" He grumbled before turning back to his target practice. .

"You're coming with me to enjoy the festival night!" I gave a huge smile.
"Is this your way of asking or demanding?" He asked in a bored tone. I simply smiled. .

"In a way, its both really. If you say no though, its definitely a demand ya know?" He didnt look to convinced. .
"I just thought you needed the company. I dont like you being alone." I admitted..

"I dont care if Im alone or not!" He shouted. I just stayed silent.
"I dont want company. I dont want, anyone."

I grabbed his hands in my own.
"You may not want company, or want anyone. But the fact is Sasuke. You need it. Thats why I'm here, so your fangirls wont be your company. Alright?" He sighed in defeat.
"Only you would huh Kiyomi." He muttered.

I smiled a genuine smile. Or at least I hoped it looked genuine. "Here." I handed him the bag with either a Kimono or nice clothes to choose from.

Sighing, he signaled me to turn so he could change. I did as told, even covered my eyes for the heck of it before the bag was thrown at my head. "Ow." I groaned before looking to his direction..

I nodded. Blue and black, definitely his colour. I had given him a button up dark blue top with black shorts to top off his black sandals.

"Lets go Sasuke-kun!" I tried squealing. Only ending up hacking my guts out.

~2 Hours Later~

I was now convinced that my feet were about to fall off. I felt as though I was about to face plant and fall asleep. I looked to see Sauske was the total opposite. In fact, I could almost say he was enjoying himself.

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