Unstoppable. Unbeatable. Unreal.

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I woke at about 11, feeling 3 types of warmth surrounding me.

The heat of the afternoon sun, my second warmth and finally...

I pried my eyes open to see a black cloak covering both me and the boy like a blanket.

A Shadow was floating mindlessly infront of us. Watching the forest for any incoming enemies.
"Elder Sister?" Slowly, the hodded figure turned to face me.

"Good afternoon Kiyomi. If you're ready. I must be going now." She stayed with me all morning!? I smiled brightly up at her before jumping to my feet.
"I really want to hug you. But I don't want you to be in danger so I'll just hug you while you're smoke." With that being said, I wrapped my arm around her smokey figure and hugged her.

I felt her wrap her arms back around me and hands pet my hair down. She had changed forms. For me. I was almost in tears. This hug....

"Is this what it feels like to have a big sister?" I asked her. She shrugged before pulling back and turning to smoke.
"I am the oldest sister of the two Shadow Sisters. But with you, I feel like I am hugging little sister."

I really wanted to cry!
I just pulled back with a mega watt smile.
"Thanks big sis!" I yelled. She pulled back and nodded back to me.
"I hope to see you again Kiyomi." I nodded with a smile before she was swirled in her black cloud.
I turned to the boy who was just waking up.

"Morning sunshine!" I yelled happily before kneeling to his level.
"Well, lets get to that tower." I was about to lift him on to my back when he refused.
"I can walk." He argued.

I stopped him from getting up any further.
"I need you to save your energy. If we get into a fight, even though we're of different Hidden Villages, I'm going to need you to help me fight." I told him sternly. After a while, he hesitantly agreed before I was off again with him on my back.

*It was about late afternoon by the time I felt another teams presence. But this team. Their chakra was far to strong for only Genin. They felt more like High level Anbu. I stopped and took in my surroundings. Trees and trees and oh, more trees!

I laughed at my discoveries before helping the Stone Ninja to stand.
"Alright Stone. There are high level ninja coming our way. Be ready." I warned lightly. He nodded, his face taking on a stoney look.

"Okay Leaf. I've got your back." I smiled right before a team broke through to a branch opposite us.
I took a defensive stance with my hand resting lightly on Death Reaper scoping out our competitions.

"Oh hey!" I greeted.
"You're the nice lady who picked up my kunai!" I smiled warmly to her and her team mates.
"Ah, yes..." The lady dragged out with a creepy smile.

"Kiyomi Uzumaki." I froze.


The first man looked over to me with saddened eyes and that just confirmed it. I pulled out a kunai with a deadly glare towards them.

"Orochimaru you snake." I growled while backing up to be between Them and the Stone ninja.
"Alright Stone, change of plans. I want you to take this," I handed him a medicine vial.
"take it and run. Get as far away from here as possible." He looked stunned for words.

"Aye Leaf. I told you. I got your back. I owe you my life and I'm willing to die in this battle." He stated before pulling a flip out pole and attatching a steel ball with a chain.

"The thing is, Im not ready to let you die. So leave. I'll be fine." I told him, he didn't budge.

"Just let the poor boy die Kiyomi. Its no different from you killing those back in the Akatsuki." She, uh... he hissed with a sinister smile. I glared at him before charging.

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