Behold The Pervy Toad!

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~2 Weeks Later~

Peeling off my over top to reveal my one piece swim suit I slowly eased myself into the bath.

Ah, finally some peace and quiet to finish my book.

I felt at peace as my body relaxed beneath the steam of the bath.

Holding my new book above the water I was completely relaxed.

Well, up until the fence of the pool was smashed in that is.

I put my book higher to cover my face from the sudden debris falling everywhere. There were women screaming on the other side of the young lady baths where I currently sat.

I didnt even bother moving as I heard the shouts of profanities about a perverted old man.

From the steam of the other side, I saw a very tall man stand and emerge from it. He had long white hair that fell down his back, a ridiculously large scroll attached to his back, a two piece green suit and a black sleeveless coat of sorts.
That all was paired with the most comfortable shoes I've ever seen.

His face was flushed a bright red as he jotted some notes down in a little book with a perverted giggle.

With my eyebrows raised, I waited until he noticed I was here.
"Uhhmm...." I said slowly as he looked up and jumped backwards.
"Who are you Pervy man?"

A large grin was plastered to his face as he raised a hand infront of him and did a stupid stance.
"Ah ha! I am the one and only. Jiraiya the Mountian Toad Sage!" I just shrugged uncaringly up at him.
"Okay Pervy Toad. Do you mind leaving. I'm in the middle of a bath and a really good book." At the moment, I was currently reading Tales of A Gutsy Ninja. Again.
I found it funny because one of the main characters name was Naruto.

Its a very good book in all. And I was half way from having read it for the fourth time. I dont know. Each time I read it, it taught me something new.
"Im not a 'Pervy Toad' you snot nose brat!" He yelled.
"I was just doing a bit of research for my book." I looked up. He was standing on the water glaring at me.
"Yeah, yeah Pervy Toad Sage. I get it." I shook my book up to him.
"Kinda busy. If I wanna get to reading about Chakra control, I gotta finish this." He snatched it from my grasp. Then chuckled. "Tales of A Gutsy Ninja. I remember writing this." He mumbled before glaring at me again.
"Whats the point of learning about chakra control if you aint going to practice?" He asked then I remembered. He was actually walking on water. Demonstrating perfect chakra control.

I placed my palm on the waters surface and began to pull myself on to the water. Yes. ON to the water.
"Other then the fact Im only 9, I was only recently taught by the old man and... Sarutobi Sensei is too busy being Hokage ya know." I shrugged, standing on the water like it was nothing.

The Pervy Toad just looked.
"Not bad kid but, can you handle this. Summoning jutsu." All the water below me splashed around taking me a little off balance, but not enough to throw me back under the water.

A large frog was now sitting on the water next to the Pervy Toad. It was a bright orange with dark purple marks on its back and bright green eyes in its head.
"Jiraiya? Why did you summon me here?" The Toad asked.

I ran over to it with a bigger then anything smile.
"Hey there! Aw... arent you just the cutest toad ever." I exclaimed as I hugged the Toad.
"I like this kid already Jiraiya. Lets keep her." The Toad said. I laughed and hugged him.
"Aww... can I keep him Pervy Toad Sage? Can I, can I?"
I was pulled away from the Toad and dropped into the baths. It was so sudden, I didnt even have enough time to react before I knocked my head on to the floor.

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