A Gift. Reapers Hand?!?!?!

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"Gai. Neji. Lee and of course. Kiyomi." Eran started with a small smile.
"I can not thank you enough for bring me and my son here. Risking your lives in trying to save ours. There is no thank you big enough." He pulled his bag from his back and pulled out a few weapons.

Thats right. Weaponry master.

"Gai. This kunai is the Fourth Hokage's I thought it would mean well, him have been your Sensei and all." I was a three bladed kunai with a weird jutsu inscribed on the handle.
"Its a little heavy but then again. It was his very first." I gapped like a fish out of water.

'He just got a kunai of the Fourth Hokage! Okay thats not the only thing that surprised me. Gai Sensei was a student of the Fourth Hokage!!'

A hand pushed my mouth to a close and I looked to who the hand came from.
"You looked like a dying whale." He snorted. I smiled at Yuma before we ended up having a laughing fit together.
"Neji. This is a special power enhancing jutsu seal. You must only use it if you are sure to be taking a life. Being a ninja will require it however. I hope you never have to use it." He handed over an amulet of sorts that could fit around your arm. It was in the shape of a bird flying freely. I smiled at the little gift of his.

"Lee. Your strength is truely powerful and I do believe you will become a splendid ninja using only Taijutsu. No matter what anyone else may say. These are dangerous weapons that go perfectly with your Taijutsu. They are lightweight but truely deadly." He gave over a bunch of kunai that fit in one of my hands.
"Use one against that tree." Eran instructed. Lee looked confused but threw the Kunai anyway.

It was only thrown with medium strength however. It lodged itself deeply in the tree trunk. Lee raced over to pull it out and it came with ease.
"That truely is amazing.
Thank you Sir Eran Hibiki." He bowed before storing them in his weapons pouch.

"Finally. Kiyomi." He put his bag back on his back and instead reached to his side.
"Father?" I heard Yuma ask in surprise as he pulled His, Katana from his side hold.

"This, is a vey special blade." He began as he held it with both hands preciously.
"Its the only Katana that has taken down mighty beasts with one slice. More powerful then even the Seven Swords men of the Mist's blades." He pulled it half way from its pouch and I watched the blade shine a bright electric blue.
"Can take even more power then Kisame's Samehada. More deadly then the Executioner's blade of Zabuza.
Powerful enough to harm a tailed beast and leave it with a deadly scar." I was amazed.

To wound a tailed beast!? He trusts me with this sort of power?

"However, like Neji's seal. It must not be used unless you are certian to be taking life. With Neji, the seal will not do great damage to the user. Only tear at their muscles and break a few bones.
With this blade. If death is not delt by the weilders hand. It shall be the weilders death that is delt."

That is the true power of this blade. That is really why he is hunted. Because of this blade.
"It has many names. The Reapers Hand. Deaths Grasp. Last Light. And many more that others have come to fear. I am intrusting it to you now." He bowed his head as he lifted the Katana to be infront of me.

I didn't want it!

I wanted to yell at him and say!

Oh Hell to the No! I did not want the 'Reapers Hand.' Or 'Deaths Grasp." Heck! Even the name 'Last Light' scared me!

I felt someone grab at my hand and placed it over the blades hold.
"Accept it Kiyomi. Father would give it only to those he knew could be trusted with such power." Yuma said with a small smile.

I nodded and took the Katana for my own. I bowed respectfully for the gift that I would cherish.
"Thank you Eran Hibiki." He stood with a smile before taking hold of his sons hand.
"Very well then. I shall be going. I am very grateful to you all." Yuma just smiled happily up to his Dad before his eyes went wide and he ran back towards us.

He jumped at me and pulled me into a hug.
"Thanks Kiyomi. I understand how you felt my pain as well." He whispered. I tightened my hold around him with a small smile.

"Then you will also understand that I feel your joy right?" He nodded before letting me stand.
"Okay... make sure to visit right? All of you. Come back any time." We waved our goodbyes as ninja from the Land of Lighting came to escort Eran and Yuma.
"BYE KIYOMI!" He yelled.
"BYE YUMA!" I replied.

Glad your both safe now.

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