Different Sides

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I glared at the three of them with heavy burning hate. The two cowered at the guesture while the third just stood there.

"Why you three?" I growled dangerously as I stepped forward.

I could already feel Kyuubi's chakra spasming out around me as my eyes burned their ruby red.

The two took a step back while the third remained motionless.
"Gaara." Temari warned as she took his shoulder. He turned his head to her and she flinched.

"Kiyomi Kitan." He spoke.
I felt my chest rumble in a growl as a light wave of chakra ran through the clearing.
"What?" I snarled.

I could feel myself becoming more animalistic as they stood there.
"Maybe one day soon I hope." He said. I frowned in confusion.
He looked into my eyes.

Bad idea.

I jumped at him in rage, much too fast for the Defence of Shukaku.
Knocking him to the ground, I pinned his body under mine with a kunai at his throat.

He just kept staring at me, now there was a crack in his sand armor. I pressed harder at his neck just as a sand ball surrounded us.

"What did you mean when you said those words, that night?" I paused.

'I walked closer. Placing my hand on the sand wall.

'Perhaps Gaara. You and I could be friends one day.
Where you could tell me your worries and I would fight them away with you.'

I thought as I watched the sand harden.

"Maybe one day soon I hope." I whispered.

Gaara, is just like Naruto.
They are both Jinchuriki who had suffered at the hands of the villagers of their home.

The only difference between them was that Naruto found me. And I found him.'

I loosened my hold. I looked to Gaara who was still looking up at me.
"I wanted to be your friend."

I sighed as I got off of his chest and put my kunai away. My fist was infused with chakra and I punched at the ball. It crumbled at the impact.

"I wanted to be there for you like I was for Naruto. But then your village destroyed my village and you hurt Naruto, and Sasuke and Sakura." I stepped over the piling sand and away from him.

"Then Sarutobi Sensei was killed. And that's what really pissed me off." I growled as I walked off.

"Where are you going Kiyomi?" I heards someone ask.
"I'll be back. I have to cool off before I kill someone." And I left.


"Arrhh!" My fist swung towards its target. And another boulder shatters.

I was panting heavily as I looked to the battle ground I had created.

Poor rocks.

I picked up a palm sized rock and threw it into the air.

Leaping up after it, I caught it with my chakra burning foot, sending it straight back to the ground with a deadly crack.

I landed lightly on my feet. Finally a bit calm.

"Kiyomi?" I looked to the entrance of my war field. Yuma was looking around with wide eyes at the damage.

His eyes snapped to me in fear.
I sighed.
"D-Dad asked when you're coming for dinner." I looked to him. He was shaking a little and was clutching something in his hand.

Kiyomi Uzumaki-KitanWhere stories live. Discover now