Dont Underestimate Her

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~3rd Persons~
"Lord Third." Ibiki rushed into the Hokage's office with Kiyomi's test papers in hand. "Ibiki? What did you need?" Lord Third asked with a raised eyebrow.

Surrounding him was Kakashi, Gai, Kurenai, Asuma and Anko.
"Sir, look at this." He placed Kiyomi's papers infront for him to see.

All six heads looked over the papers to see what had gotten Ibiki so worked up.

"Is that really a Genin's test papers?" Gai asked as he read over the test.

"Yes, it doesn't seem like any normal student could have completed it. Even Sakura's knowledge couldn't cover that." Kurenai agreed looking over the papers in confusion.

"Must be a mole. No kid could answer questions like this. Not to mention they were able to decode hidden messages without a code to follow." Asuma stated, seeming as stunned as the rest.

"What little maggot was able to answer such questions Ibiki? We must interrogate them to see who they work for." Anko said, getting annoyed that even she, a high level Jonin, wouldn't be able to answer with such complexed structure or in same detail.

Ibiki noticed that neither Lord Hokage or Kakashi had said anything as they read it over.
"She's quite the young Ninja Lord Hokage. Do you not think, even for her age that she should be moved to Jonin?" Kakashi turned to look at the Professor who smiled as he read each answer.

"No. Though her intelligence would surely be handy in even Anbu. I don't wish for her to take on such duty.
These are not like the days back when we had to rush ninja into being far above their level Kakashi. It is a time of peace.
I want her to just grow up as normal as a ninja possibly could."

The other 5 watched as the pair talked over the future of the girl whos test scores doubled Kakashi's.

"I understand that but. If she did advance into higher level. She would learn much more and be able to use difficult jutsu with ease." Lord Third just chuckled at the grey haired, masked ninja.

"Kakashi. Do not underestimate her. She understands more then she lets on." He stated. Kakashi just sighed.
"Well Gai. I wish you good luck with your student." Gai was confused as he stared after Kakashi who had walked out after a respectful bow to the Hokage.
"Wait! This is Kiyomi's test? I knew the kid was a genius but this!? This is unbelievable." Kurenai said unbelieving. Asuma, Gai and Anko were shocked. The page was flipped to show her name scribbled in neat handwriting.

"Wow, this kid. She's gonna be one heck of a shinobi. Glad she's of the Leaf." Asuma smiled.

"Heh, this one. She's gonna be difficult. No doubt about it." Ibiki smirked.

"How youthful!" Gai yelled before running off to congratulate his team on passing.

"She may have survived your written exam Ibiki. But what'll you think will happen when shes faced with the forest of Death?" Anko smirked. Lord Hokage smiled.
"Careful Anko. As I warned Kakashi. Dont underestimate her. No matter how smart. She'll surprise you." Anko smirked.
"Challenge accepted."

~Time Lapse~


"The Hidden Sands's Third Kazekage was never found and thats when the Village fell to despair.
Afraid of being attacked while at such a weak point in their Lives, a new Kazekage was picked.
The Fourth Kazekage, who was well known for his ability to manipulate gold dust using magnet style, was the main reason in stopping the Sand Villages fall. For if he hadn't been chosen, it would have been the Sand Village's undoing."

The book was snatched out of my hand.
"Kiyomi. I thought I would ask if you wanted to spar with me so we could both be ready for the exam tomorrow." I looked up to see Sasuke holding my book in one hand while his other was offered to me.
"Yeah, alright. Just a little one since we dont want to be tired tomorrow." He smirked at me.

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