Death and Pain

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^3rd Persons^
"Old Man!" She yelled as she sprinted towards his fallen figure.

She came to a stop at his side. Pain filling her eyes as she stared down to the Third Hokage.

Her knees buckled beneath her, no longer able to bear the weight that had instantly dropped on her shoulders.
Tears rolled endlessly down her cheeks as she placed her hands on the Old Mans chest.

"Old Man. Come on." She whispered helplessly as she shook his shoulders.

Rain began to flutter around her softly before turning into a massive downpour.

"Come on. Please." She whispered. Her voice slightly raising.

"Sensei! Get up! You promised! Get up. Please." She began to shout. Her voice lowering to minor whimpers near the end.

Her eyes widened as they took in the seal engraved on her Sensei's abdomen.

Her tears falling even harder, getting lost within the rain that fell.

The Reaper Death seal that in return for taking others souls, it should also take the summoners.

Kiyomi looked back up to his face that seemed so peaceful in death. A small smile lingering softly on his lips.

Sobs ran all through Kiyomi's body as she looked over the body of her only father figure in life.

She leaned forward and hugged him gently.

A hand lay gently on her shoulder and her head snapped up.
"Gai Sensei." She croaked.

Standing all around her were all the Sensei of the rookies and the shinobi who fought close to the stadium.

Gai Sensei's eyes held remorse and sadness however, he was still containing his emotions.

"Rule 25 Kiyomi." She reminded herself as she wiped her face clear of tears and stood up.

She looked up to the sky, the clouds were gradually joinging with the heavy, chakra empowered, rain clouds.

All centering above the old man. The point of power being Kiyomi herself.

Her heavy chakra filling the sky and making it dense and heavy, resulting in the heavy downpour.

"You're such a lier Sensei." She hissed as she stood before him. Her sadness now turning to anger towards the Third Hokage.

She wiped all emotion from her face and turned away from his slightly smiling corpse.

"Kiyomi." Kakashi said as he placed his hand on her shoulder, trying to consult her. She shook him off and stared at him such empty eyes.

"I'm fine." She told him before leaping off towards the exit of the Hidden Leaf.

While running, Kiyomi found herself surrounded by 10 Music nins.

With a stoic expression. She pulled Death Reaper from its sheath and stared down the enemy emotionlessly.


I felt absolutely nothing. I closed off the part of my brain that allowed emotions to course through my body freely without any sense of order.

It was a weakness I had found a solution to many years ago.

Having only used it when I was ordered to do the unthinkable as a mission.

Allowing Death Reaper to stand at my side I waited.
Then they attacked.

All jumping at me as one. There was a bright, blue flash of light as I swung my katana in a full circle.
Gliding effortlessly through the enemies body.
As they fell in a dead heap around me, I continued my walk towards the front gate and away from the village.
Slipping Death Reaper back into its sheath.

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