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A childs small cry was heard coming from the slightly parted doors.
Emiko looked to the source.
Her sharps eyes catching a hint of red slouching beside the door.

"Baby Kushina." Her hair fell perfectly down her back like it hadn't even been disturbed.
Electric blue breaking pass the ruby red in her eyes as she slowly walked towards the crying child.

"Kushina?" She asked softly, opening the door to see the huddled child.
Damp blue eyes reflected the thoughts of the 6 year old. Fear.

Kneeling to her height, Emiko gently held her hand out to the child.
"Kushina." She whispered gently.

The little girl jumped to her feet and glomped her.

"Ohh Kushina. Shh... don't cry you know. Its fine. It's alright. Im right here." She cooed while the echoing sobs slowly died down.
"There you go, see." Emiko pulled back slowly with a smile towards the little girl.

"There you are Princess. No more crying you know."
Kushina slowly nodded while Emiko wiped at her cheeks.

"You were angry a-and I thought. You were h-hurting you know?" She snivled.

Emiko smiled brightly and soon, a smile found its way to Kushina's lips.

"I guess I didn't miss out on much. I was at the house nearly everyday with you all." At the mention.

The other 4 boys busted through. On instinct, Emiko wrapped Kushina in her arms and lept up. Her feet conecting with the roof and hanging upside down.
Two heads of red hair draping like a curtian.

"YOU BUNCH OF KNUCKLEHEADS!" The little child yelled.

Squirming her way out of the teens arms, she dropped on to the boys and knocked each one of them on the head.

Each boy ending up with a lump the size of a plum.
The little girl standing with her arms crossed and her red hair flying.

~Time Lapse~

"As siblings. We're getting married to produce new offsprings to continue the blood line of Lord Yuudai and Lady Takara of the 1st Generation? Is that it?" Lord Uzumaki nodded his head.

His wifes eyes gazing calmly at her two eldest children. Lingering longingly on the red haired Princess.

"And we were born as twins. The first two surviving twins of the entire Uzumaki clan?" He nodded once more.

"Very well. Haruto." She turned to the boy sitting at her side.

A large smile appearing on her face as she looked to him.
"I will marry you. When we're ready." Haruto didn't know what to say so, he simply nodded his head.


"YOU CAN'T DO THAT! SHE'S ONLY A BABY!" Emiko's strong voice ripped through the entire village.

"Emiko. You need to calm down." Came the soothing voice of Haruto as he placed his hand on his fiancee's shoulder.

"Calm down Emiko. We don't need to have her knowing of the task." Chieko scorned as she glared at her foster sister.
Emiko glared directly back at her elder sister, her eyes burning with fury.

"Kushina doesn't need to be ripped up from her home. Her family. In order to maintain a stable relationship with the Leaf! They maybe distant relatives but they are not immediate family!" She growled.

Her smooth voice of 18 years, holding authority, strength and compassion that could make anyone bow before her it was such a beautiful combination.

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