Great Minds Think Alike

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I was walking through town, wondering where those Sand Siblings could've gone to.

I smiled to all the shop owners who smiled back.
Laughed at the kids that ran round my legs playing ninja. Then I saw an old lady struggling to keep herself up underneath all of her groceries.

"Here let me help you." I offered as I took some of her bags.
"Oh, thank you dear. Thats real sweet of you." I just smile to her. "Happy to help."

After carrying the ladies bags to her house (and getting some pieces of candy, yay!) I kept walking round trying to find them. Then there was a sight.

I saw Sasuke hanging from a tree, Naruto, Sakura, Konohamaru and his friends opposite Kankuro and Temari. Wonder where Gaara is?

I saw Kankuro pull the puppet from his back and get ready to unravel it. I did some handsigns.
"Wind style;Raging Hurricane." I rushed forward in the blink of an eye and had scooped the puppet up.

"WHAT!?!?" I heard Kankuro yell, causing me to laugh loudly.
"Kiyomi!" Konohamaru yelled happily as their eyes landed on me.
"Looking for something?" I asked as I shook his puppet. That was way too easy.
"No wonder Sasori wears his." I muttered more to myself.

"Hey! Give that back or I'll use it to kill you first then the rest of these brats!" I froze. My left eye began twitching in annoyance. Then I smiled darkly.

"You want to kill them huh?" I asked sweetly while walking closer.
"You think you can come here and threaten my brother?" It was rhetorical by the way I asked stalking closer. My eyes were burning as I glared at him with a smirk.

"If you threaten my brother again." I leaned closer to his ear.
"I'll kill you." I hissed. I heard him gulp loudly as I slowly backed away.

"Kankuro thats enough." I heard someone say. I looked to the tree Sasuke was recently on to see Gaara hanging upside down of a branch.
"Hey Gaara!" I smiled. My previous mood gone.
"Hn. Bipolar." I heards Sasuke mutter. I smiled at him with a wink.

"O-Oh hey Gaara. I was just-"
Kankuro was cut off from apologising.
"Kankuro. You're an embarrassment to our village. If you do it again. I'll kill you." I laughed at the two. Their eyes met mine.
"Sorry. Its just that I already threatened to kill him. Hey, great minds think alike huh Gaara." I laughed. Kankuro sweat dropped and Gaara frowned.

"I reckon we'll be great friends." Then he glared at me while I laughed.
"Come on. Your sleeping arrangements have been sorted by yours truely." I started walking off with them following.

"Hey! Whats your name?" We all turned to Sasuke who asked.
"Me?" Temari pointed to herself with a small blush. Another fangirl!? And its Temari!?

"No, the one with the gourd on his back." We all looked to Gaara who had turned to face him.
"I am Gaara of the Desert. Im interested in you as well." I got the shivers.

No weird images popped up right them. None! Hehe.

Naruto jumped up put I held up my hand to stop his introduction.
"Its alright Naruto. I already told them about the number one hyperactive knuckle head ninja of the leaf." He fell to his knees.
"Awe Kiyomi. Its my favourite part." I just laughed and walked off with the Sand Siblings in follow.

"Number one Hyperactive Knucklehead Ninja?" Temari asked. I nodded.
"Yep. Naruto Uzumaki. You'll get his title soon enough."

~Time Lapse~

We walked to the front desk where the lady smiled at us. When her eyes land on Gaara, they widen in fear.
Yeah, he was glaring at her. She looked back to me and I smiled sweetly, trying to lessen her fear.

It seemed to work as she locked eyes with me. A relieved smile on her face.
"Here you are sweetie. Have a nice stay." She handed a key to Temari with a smile.

"Kiyomi. I have this room spare for about 6 months. Mister Kan has gone traveling." She handed me another key and I nodded.
I was soo going to stash my books here now!


"Thanks a lot." I walked them to their apartment, pointing out my room, the ramen shop and the training grounds from their window.
"Enjoy your stay. And if you need anything, Im right across the hall. From 10 to 9." I left with my famous wink and two finger salute.

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