A Whole New Kind

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I leaned back on the trunk of the tree and sat staring out to the small village not to far off the Leaf.

A few hours maybe?

Noting that a little girl was puffing her cheeks out in annoyance as she followed an old lady through the centre town.

The old lady had beautiful long brown hair with a small bun pulled on top and a crinkle eyed smile as she passed the store workers.

Her arms were full of groceries and what nots, she was nodding to the candy her grandchild wanted.
When the little girl got confirmation, her blue eyes lit up and smiled towards her grandmother.

When she had reached into her pocket to pull out some money, her groceries started to sway in her arms.

I jumped down and sprinted to her side.
"Here, let me help you with that." I offered with a small smile.

The old lady looked up to me, her eyes widening just a bit before a full blown smile landed on her face. I was surprised when she began to laugh lightly.
"I thought it was such a strong presence that had come over me." She laughed.


I jumped back in shock at the sudden voice echoing loudly in my mind. Now on defense and high alert.


There was a dark grunt before I saw the old lady in a red hue. I blinked in surprise.

"Hn. Now she definitely knows." He growled.
"Huh? Knows what?" I didn't get an answer in return.
"Gee. Expect a visit from me toinght Kyuubi." I mumbled.

The old lady was still smiling kindly. The laughing lines crinkled around her eyes, giving off such a homely sense.

"Thank you." As I remembered the previous offer, I smiled and took her groceries from her arms. Easily balancing them in my own.

~Time Lapse~

"This is where my grandchildren and I live. Their father is always away on missions for various Villages and my husband.
He travels around to search for our missing son. Though he'll be visiting real soon." She smiled.
I nodded as we stepped into the comfy warmth of her home.

I smiled in delight.
A candle was flickering on the centre of the table.
Dancing infront of the eyes of a little boy as he gently blew at the flame.

"Haruki. Would you be a dear and show this young lady where to put the groceries please." His eyes widened like saucers as he looked up at me.
I gave him a kind smile, peering into his multicolored eyes.

One bright blue and one bright green.
Both staring with glazed curiosity before they widened in fear and he ran away.

"What did I do?" I asked her. The old lady just shook her head before sighing.
"It wasn't you sweetie."

The little girl was looking to where the little boy had run to.
"Granma?" She asked slowly. Her Grandma nodded.
"Alright Haruko." The little girl nodded before running off after her brother.

She offered some tea and I accepted.
I took a small sip.

"So Princess Uzumaki. How is it being a Shinobi?"

I fought hard to hold down the tea currently burning my mouth. Forcing myself to swallow, I gave a little cough before turning to the smiling old lady in confusion.

"P-Princess?" I asked incredulously. She simply smiled and nodded.

"B-But... I-I dont know what you're-what you're talking about." I denied. She only smiled at me. I sighed.

"How'd you know?" I asked almost tiredly. She kept smiling to me.
"How could I not with them latched on to you?" She said pointing to each side of my shoulders.
"I don't understand..." I said in confusion as I looked behind me.

"You don't have to child. It's fine. Just trickery of the eye." She winked her eye slowly.

Just as she closes her eyes!
Theres a soft flicker of light in them. Like watching a small partical of dust pass quickly in a single ray of sunlight.

"Granma sees the dead with important people." I looked to the little boy who was peering from behind the door frame to the dining area.

I was gaping at the little boy as his green and blue eyes peered at me curiously. His short, soft white hair draped to his shoulders.

"Uh..." I was so confused.
The little boy walked in slowly. He seemed no older then 7 years. His sister was at least 9.

"Hi, I'm Kiyomi. Sorry for scaring you earlier." I smiled brightly to him.

I watched as his fear lessened and he too smiled back to me. "I'm Haruki! Real nice to meet you!" He giggled as he held his hand out.
I shook it firmly and gave him a smile. The air around him felt so familiar and warm. I felt more relaxed then I had all week. It was soothing.

"Grandma?" Haruki was looking slightly behind me with a frown.
"What is he-? Pren? Huh?... Oh!" His smile was even brighter then before as he shook my hand like crazy.
"That's why!" He giggled loudly, I smiled in amusement as he kept shaking my hand.

"Hi Princess Uzumaki." My smile faltered a little as I groaned.
"Another one?" I mumbled.

"Well, when the Great Uzumaki clan lived, my family were the only connection we had with the Elders of the village since they were all hunted and killed.
It became our job to converse with them and relay information to the Head of the clan." The old Lady smiled. I looked to her in shock and surprise.

"Wait. What's your name?" I asked almost rudely. She smiled proudly.
"My name is Chieko. Chieko Uzumaki." I was lost.
"Uzumaki? You're. Youre a? You're an Uzumaki!?" She only laughed.

Now I was completely lost.
"Yes your Majesty. Many of us Uzumaki were forced into hiding once the 'Third great Ninja War' commenced. Our homelands being targeted and destroyed for fear of our abilities. Only ever being below the Senju and Uchiha clan. It wasn't hard to understand why." Her smile was dropped as she remembered past times of the war.

"I'd understand that it was a very hard time for you. Having to leave your own home because of the power possesed." I became saddened as I hugged her.

She seemed surprised at my actions but did return it with a pat on my back.

"Indeed it was Princess.
After your parents left and the Main family was killed in battle, we civilians escaped with our children and fled while the Shinobi of the village fought the enemy.
We had lost so many that day. And we are a dying nation. Still being hunted because of our abilities. It is such rotten luck for us Uzumaki." We pulled apart and she smiled sadly.

"Do not worry Princess. Even after all we have lost, the Uzumaki clan is still surviving. Hidden within many villages and trying to blend in with other civilians or ninja. Many still live a long and happy life.
I have two grandchildren with me today. Their future is all I can hope for now."

I looked towards Haruki who was laughing lightly and staring all around the room.
Haruko had run in a few moments before and was staring at her brother with a grin.

"That's so wrong." I whispered.
There are more Uzumaki in the world.
Hiding in fear because they're being hunted.
They're out there living a less then normal life. Trying to hide their abilities to blend in.
"That is so wrong." I gritted out.

One day I will. One day I will.
"I will make a place where Uzumaki can come back together. So they don't have to hide their uniqueness from the world. Where they will be protected.
A place that the youger generation can come to learn about the past and grow up knowing the safeness of a clan. How much protection a clan can provide. One day I will." I vowed to no one in particular.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Lady Chieko smiling towards her grandchildren. A fondeness in her pupils.

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