Lee's Surgery

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"It is now a 51-49 percentage chance at surviving this surgery. Are you sure this is what you want Lee?" He gave a small smile to the ground as he stood next to Gai Sensei.

"Yes Kiyomi. I am willing to go through this surgery." He turned his smile towards me.

I nodded slowly before helping him to lay back on the hospital bed.

I turned to look at Lady Princess with an eyebrow raised.

Shizune moved to stand next to her with a confident stance and a small smile. With a nervous sigh, I nodded.
They returned the nod and we were off to the surgery room.

~Time Lapse~

*3rd Person*

Neji was sitting in the hallway of the hospital.
His head laying back on the hospital wall as he waited.

He was the only one not on a mission at the moment.

Team 7 had been sent to help with some sort of competition or some what.
Asuma's team is helping to build a new house.
Kurenai's team is out trying to catch a chunin level ninja who stole a ancient idol.

Neji had just returned from a mission delivering a box supply of items to a village not to far off.

It had been exactly 3 hours, 49 minutes and 22 seconds since he had sat down. Neji had counted.

With a long sigh, he stood up to stretch. The satisfying crack of his bones echoed around the empty halls.

After a few more minutes, the door to the surgery room was slowly eased open and a bed was rolled out.

The boy who's usual attire consisted of a full body green spandex suit.

"Where is Kiyomi?" He asked a nurse that was pushing the bed away.

"Oh? Lady Kiyomi is with-"

The two looked up to see a smiling tan raven haired girl waving frantically towards him.

He gave a nod to the nurse who smiled and continued her job.
"How is he?"

Her smile brightened even more if that was even possible.
"He survived and is on his way to, hopefully, make a full recovery." Neji nodded.

"Hey Neji, I need you to promise me something." Kiyomi's smile fadded as she grew sad.

"What is it?" He asked, his voice laced in confusion.
"Just promise, that you'll help him out. He's gonna need your help Neji. So, Promise?" She held her hand out to him.

Neji gave an annoyed sigh before taking her forearm as she grabbed his.
"I do promise." Her smile returned.
"Thanks Neji."

There were sounds of feet pounding against the hospital floors.
"Kiyomi!" The two looked up to see Kiba and Akamaru running towards them.

"Kiba? What's up?" She asked as the dog loving boy came to a stop.
"Team 7 just got back. Sasuke's been badly injured and Naruto's hurt as well." He panted out.

Before Neji could talk some sense into her. Kiyomi had sprinted off towards her two injured brothers.


"Naruto!" I yelled as I ran into the room.
"Oh? Hey Kiyomi!" He laughed nervously. I glomped him.

"I'm glad you're alright Uzumaki." I gave a huge sigh of relief. He gave a loud laugh as he hugged me back.
"Hehe. Yeah, it was nothing hard. Believe it." He gloated while pulling away.

I ruffled his hair with a smile. "That's good."

~Time Lapse~

"He's still a bit out of it at the moment Lady Kiyomi. I think it would be wise if you come back tomorrow." The nurse said. I nodded and turned to leave.

Yeah right!

Scaling the hospital walls, I found his window and snuck in.

He was laying asleep. He looked pale and sick almost.

Once I had the window pried from its place, I walked to the seat next to his bed.

Reaching over, I moved the loose strands of his hair from his face.

"I've a feeling something bad'll happen to you Sasuke." I whispered quietly while I stroked his raven locks.

"And I don't think I'll have the power to stop it. Not this time."

I spent a couple more hours sitting next to him and stroking his hair before jumping from the window towards the Hokage Tower.

Meeting up with Lady Princess to discuss a few private things.

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