He's Family. Fullstop.

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Laughing as we entered his apartment, my mind was refreshing on all the stares I got in town.
The looks of anger, disgust and hate towards him.
All the whispers of how I could possibly stand a killer. A Murder. It was disgusting how they treated him.

"Well. Home sweet home!" Naruto shouted with a big smile on his face.

He recovers quickly doesn't he?
The scratches where the stones hit him seemed to have healed already. However, the large gash on his forehead was still dripping slightly with blood.

In a panic, I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bathroom where I made him sit on the bench. Turning on the tap I put my sleeve under the freezing cold water.
"Hey what are you-?" Before he could finish, I pressed my sleeve to his forehead. "Just stay still Naruto, I'll wrap your wound." I pulled some bandages from my little side pouch and began to wrap his head.

A tinge of pink dusted his cheeks as a sad smile filled his face.
"You okay Naruto? You're looking on the edge of fainting." He just kept on smiling, the pink blush spreading even more.
"Its just that... Well.... No ones ever done this for me before ya know." He rubbed at his eyes that were begining to tear up and his nose as he began to sniffle.
I smiled as I tied the bandage securely around his forhead, helped him to the ground then pulled him into yet another hug.

"I'm sorry Naruto. I wish I came to the Leaf earlier. Then you wouldn't have been alone for so long." He burst out crying as I held him before he passed out in my arms.

"All he's ever wanted was a bond." My eyes flickered to the window.
Sir Kakashi Hatake sat perched in the open window of Naruto's apartment with his nose still in his perverted book.
"Hey Sir Kakashi. Do you mind helping me get Naruto to bed?" I asked hopefully.
Maybe the Old Mans Anbu dont have a problem with Naruto.

Sir Kakashi put his book in his weapons pouch and lifted Naruto like it was nothing.
"Please Miss Kiyomi, just call me Kakashi. Sir makes me sound too old." I smiled while pulling the blankets around Naruto's shoulders and petted down his hair.
"Please Sir Kakashi, just call me Kiyomi. Miss makes me sound too old." I mocked. He simply nodded while staring at Naruto.

"Its amazing how much he looks like his parents. Fathers hair, Mothers face." Kakashi muttered before turning to me and scratching his neck.
"I mean, his Father was my Sensei. I just thought. Hahaha, great." He stopped acting so goofy and instead looked straight to me.
"Lord Third wants to see you." I grinned. "I left him hanging in the middle of his conversation with me."

After a moment of silence, Kakashi turned to me.
"Why? Why are you doing it?" I looked down to Naruto.
"Because he's family. Fullstop." Kakashi just smiled before he used the shunshined to leave.

I turned back to Naruto who looked so peaceful in sleep.
No wonder he wants to stay there forever. I wont let him though. Ever.

Leaning over, I gently kissed his forehead, like a big sister to her little brother. "Goodnight, cousin." I whispered before leaving.

^_(Next Day)_^
~*Naruto's Pov*~
Stupid sun. Go away, I was sleeping!
I groaned.

Before I knew it, I fell.
Right off the bed.
Nope, that didnt help. Ow, my head hurt.

Reaching up to touch it, I felt that it was covered in a bandage. Must've hurt it yesterday.
It took a while but it came to me.
Okay, so maybe I was overreacting. But, I dont know how to use an aid kit. I dont even have an aid kit.
Rushing to the dining room, I saw about 8 grocery bags piled on the ground. "When did I go shopping? The owner would never let me buy this much. Wait.
Ramen Bowls! Yeah!"
Forget why its here. I have food, and a lot of it as well.
Just as I was about to open the first bowl, there was a quiet knock at the door.

I began to shake slightly in fear.

Did I steal these last night? Why can't I remember anything? Who's here to beat me up?

I slowly made my way over to the door, unlocking it slightly and readying myself to pull it open.

A hand slammed it shut behind me and quickly re-doning the lock up before they leanded on it.

Jumping back with a scream, I tried to defend myself with my Ramen Bowl.

A girl with sort of long black hair stood at my door with her forehead on it panting like shes been running forever.

She had on black shorts just above her knees, netty things down her left leg.
A black jumper wrapped around her waist.
A grey undershirt covered with a white top.

When she turned around she smiled at me.
I saw the Hidden Leafs Symbol on her t-shirt where her heart was and her eyes.
They were almost black but the light in the place made them look a blackish reddish colour.

"Hey Naruto." She whispered as she left the door and walked right past me. She picked up a bowl of Ramen and began to boil some water.

Then it hit me.

Last night, the dream I had, it wasn't really a dream at all.
I did have a new friend. My first friend. She was real.

I felt as the tear gathered in my eyes and I ran to her. Grabbing her in a big bear hug.
She just laughed as we fell to the floor and she hugged me back.
"Yes Naruto, I'm actually real."

As he pulled me to stand, I grabbed my Ramen in a Bowl and poured hot water in. "Damn, a three minute wait." We grumbled together.
Laughing, we passed those three minutes by creating a game.

"Fight my Shadow!" He yelled and the same time I yelled.
"Mirror Boxing!" Glaring at eachother, we waited until we were sure the other wasnt gonna give in.
"Shadow Boxing?" I truced. He just gave a goofy smile before raising his head towards our food.
"Its ready!" We gathered around the table with our chopsticks at the ready.

~Time Lapse~

"The suns going down. I better get back to the Old Man. Alright Naruto?" Naruto just sat there. Holding in his hand a toy.
It was like a babies rattle. Where you twist it and two strings opposite eachother, with a ball hit against the miniture drum on the stick.
Quite an amusing toy really.
"I'll see you tomorrow right Naruto?" He didnt speak, only stared at the toy.
"Naruto? Whats up? Oi?" His saddened blue eyes looked directly at me.
"Will you see me tomorrow Kiyomi? Really?" I nodded with a full blown smile.
"Believe it!" I yelled, quoting him with a thumbs up to make it seem more dramatic.

His face blew up in a smile and he jumped to his feet. All signs of his previous sadness gone.
"I do, ya know!" We both had a giggling fit before it was time to leave.

I pulled him into a hug that he returned.
With a final smile, I ran out the door and left with another Anbu at my side.
Silent as stone he was.

I could see the house come into view and decided that I would start to make breakfast for everyone. Naruto, Konohamaru and the old man.
Now what to make...

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