Kiyomi vs Orochimaru

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The burning in my chest and abdomen was now a scorching pain.

I looked to the arena to see a dark purple four walled barrier reaching towards the sky.

I took another giant leap and ended up next to the barrier. 3 Anbu kneeling on the outside.
It was a four man barrier managed at each corner, there was a forest within the barrier and a large mud wall.

I landed next to the three Anbu and stared into the dense barrier.
"Where's the Old Man?" I puffed out.

One mask looked to me while the other two continued to watch the barrier.
"He's inside the barrier. Facing off with Orochimaru." He told me.

I scanned the battleground inside the barrier. There stood Orochimaru, Old Man and King Enma of the Apes.

Old Man and Orochimaru were standing face to face.

There was a sword piercing through the Old Man's chest and I clutched my own.
"No." I whispered, my voice breaking.

My second warmth wrapped around my hand as I touched the barrier. It gave a slight shock that was easily bearable.

An idea now forming in my mind.

I wiped a stray tear from my face and moved backwards. A new look set in my eyes.


"Hiroko!" I called. He turned to face me. I got ready to run at him.

With understanding he set himself up. His two hands linked together firmly by his fingers, knees bent and he was slightly leaning forward. Ready to send me airborne.

"Hai." He stated.

"Wind Style; Raging Hurricane." I sped forwards and lifted one leg and rested it in his hands.

The roof beneath him cracked as we made a small crater with the strength being used. Then I was launched straight upwards.

The air getting thick with the height and speed I was gaining.

As soon as I felt like I was going to drop.
I expanded the chakra from my arm to create an extension of itself and grab on to the barrier.

The shocks ran though the chakra that connected with it but I lifted myself up.

Making certian that my second warmth was completely wrapped around me, I set my feet down and scaled the barrier on all fours.

I reached the top within seconds before I was launching myself back to earth.

My sight set on Orochimaru as I drew closer. Spinning in the air as I made my descend.

His eyes shot up to meet with my blazing red ones.
My hair now a hot red that looked like it was actually burning. Flying freely as I fell.

Orochimaru had enough brains to jump backwards just as I was to hit him.

I landed soundlessly on the rooftop.
Only little spectacles of dust climbing up my legs.

I pulled a kunai and striked at Orochimaru with insane speed. My anger and haterid fueling my intentions to kill the slimy snake.

He kept jumping back from my attacks before I caught him.
Driving my kunai though his right thigh until I saw the tip. I pulled another kunai with my other hand and aimed for his throat.

I was so damn close.

I growled at the one who had interfered. The other person had grabbed my kunai allowing it to break their skin to bleed.

Twisting my body so I was jumping over Orochimaru, my kunai still piercing his thigh.
I sent a poweful kick to the persons head that had them crashing down and straight through the roof.

I ripped my kunai from Orochimaru's thigh. His blood following the action and flicking up to smear over my face. He jumped back and was caught by a man with two distinctive heads.

One in the front and another behind it. A girl with flowing red hair and a bandana next to them put an arm of Orochimaru's over her shoulders. The two heads following suit.

Just as I was about to charge at them, I was stopped by a real big man. He had his knees bent, ready to take my hit.

I forced more chakra into my feet, my second warmth expanding slightly as I hit him.

His arms wrapped around me as two forces pushed against one another.
The power of my chakra far overpowered his, added with my anger and he was no match.

I kept racing forwards. The big man weighing nothing more then a full grown tree. He was slammed into the mud wall and released his hold.

I spun on my heels and looked back to the two who began to leap off with Orochimaru.
"Oh no you dont!" I roared as I lept into the air.

Another man jumped infront of me.
From his mouth can some sort of chakra infused blob. A white blob aimed straight at my face.

"Argh!" I yelled.

My eyes were covered by a sticky substance and I was falling back to the rooftop.

As soon as my feet hit the ground, I ripped the sticky stuff from my eyes to a bad sight.

The three Anbu who were running after Orochimaru were captured by the same sticky stuff that covered my eyes.
And Orochimaru got away.

"DAMN IT!!" I roared.

I had force myself to calm down before I took my anger out on anyone else.

Putting my fists together infront of my stomach facing palm ways up. I focused all my chakra to that specific place in my stomach before gradually releasing it in small bursts.

Once I felt my hair fall perfectly down my back, my eyes burning less intensely and coming back to my 20/20 senses. I was finally able to calm down. Slightly.

"Okay." I said out loud. More for my own benefit and need. "I'm calm." I convinced myself.

My face was emotionless. Not yet trusting myself to bring forth a smile.

"Hey Old Man." I called out as I turned around.


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