Hell Hath no Fury Like I

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My eyes locked onto Naruto's frozen form while the man took threatening steps towards him. I felt as the rage began to bubble inside me.

From the corner of my eye I saw Sasuke running towards me with a kunai raised.

He attempted to cut the water trap but the kunai glided right through before the water tightened on my arms.

I had seen this jutsu once before. Kisame used it to bring in a prisoner that Lord-sama wished to see.

"The only way to beat this is with an enormous amount of heat."

He once laughed when he caught me with it.

A specialty of the Hidden Mist.

He called it.

The man had gotten dangerously close to Naruto and now had him hanging in the air by his collar.
"Sasuke. Go help Naruto." I ordered.

He jumped up and ran to the man before stabbing his kunai into his leg causing minimal damage.

(He's only 9! Almost 10.)

The man turned and sent a kick to his stomach.
Sasuke flew the opposite way and right into a tree.

He then threw Naruto towards him and they both landed in a limp heap.

The white hot rage I had been holding in exploded.

I felt the water jutsu start to simmer away as the blistering hot, dark chakra wrapped around me like a protective shield of armour.

The pain in my head and stomach subsided as anger took over.

~3rd Person~

Kiyomi's hair turned to a deadly blood red as her eyes took on a more ruby shade.

Her hair began to fly wildly around her without the assistance needed of any breeze.

Hatred, anger and bloodlust rolled off her in waves that could have any Anbu ninja's knees knocking together.

She only grew more hateful as she stalked to where the man was.

'How dare he touch Naruto! How dare he hurt Sasuke! HOW DARE HE HURT BOTH OF THEM!!'

She ran towards him at an unnatural speed, slamming her fist into his gut to send him flying 15 metres through the air.

Just as he was stumbling to his regain his footing, he felt a rush of dark air fly pass him before being knocked to the floor.

An enormous amount of heavy chakra weighed him to the ground, forcing the air from his lungs.

Her foot now covered in a dark orange hue, burning a footprint into his back.


She shouted.
The cloak of dark orange chakra began taking shape of a paw.

Crushing the man below her, creating a large crater.

She sensed a kunai being thrown at her as she turned to the now conscious ninja of the Mist.

Just as the kunai went to hit her, a spark like lightning shot from the surrounding chakra that deflected it as though it was only a mere pebble.

She watched as the kunai fell to the ground.
Her threatening glare raised to meet their eyes so full of fear.

Just as she was about to lunge at them, she felt her chakra being supressed inside her body.

Her hair fell down her back as its normal raven black, while her eyes turned dark crimson like Kuranai's.

The two ninja fell to the floor in relief as they saw the monster fall limply into the arms of Pervy T-Ah... Master Jiraiya. Then they were out cold.

She was then passed on to another Anbu member as he left.

Three Anbu arrested the Mist Ninja before two turned to carry Naruto and Sasuke to the hospital.

Though before they could leave. Naruto lept from the arms he was being carried by and stumbled over to an unconscious Kiyomi seemingly all healed.

"Kiyomi!" He yelled as he got to her side.
"Is she going to be alright? What happen?" Naruto pestered the Anbu.

She simply knocked him out with her jutsu.

He was lifted from the ground by Pervy-Master Jiraiya.
"This knucklehead doesnt need the hospital. So I'll just take him home. Why dont you take her back to Lord Hokage's Yuko and Yukon can take Sasuke to the infirmary." The two nodded their head before leaving.
"I assume you know where they go?" Jiraiya asked the remaining Anbu who nodded his head once.

"Good." Then he was gone.

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