I'm Back!!! I'm Dying!

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~6 Months Later~

My feet flew from tree branch to tree branch as the wind dragged its fingers through my hair. Allowing it to fly freely.

I saw the gates of The Hidden Leaf Village come into view and I sped up.
"Kiyomi! Calm down! We'll get there!" I heard Pervy Toad yell from behind me.

I just laughed to him as he appeared beside me.
"I know, but if I go faster! I'll get there quicker!" I yelled to answer. I went faster as he slowed down.

Just as I was about to burst through the gates, I was grabbed and held to a stop.
"Damn. I thought I'd beat you Izumo." I sighed as the guard laughed.

"You may be fast Kiyomi. But I'm faster." Rolling my eyes I hugged him as soon as he set me down, then I jumped at Kotetsu with a hug.

"Alright, I need to see Old Man! Bye!" And I was off again.

My feet bounded up the flight of stairs toward the Old Mans office before busting in.
"I'm Back!" I yelled gleefully as I attacked him in a hug.

His laugh filled the room before pulled back and stared up at him.
My eyes traced his familiar features in remembrance of the Old Man who saved me those something years ago.
Man was i glad to be Home.

Just as I was about to question him, the door flew open to a very amusing sight.
"Hey Old Man? Whats the big idea here!?" My little Brother Konohamaru was struggling in the grasp of two Anbu members.

He was placed gently on the ground before the two disappeared. His gaze slowly met mine with wide eyes.


He yelled as he jumped on me. I crushed him to me as I spun.


I yelled back.
We laughed together before I placed him on the floor to see his adorable smile pulling his face up.
"I missed you Sis." He said.
"I missed you too." I hugged him again while I heard two chuckle at us.

I looked up to see Asuma-sama and Old Man staring at us. I smiled up to them with a slight blush.

I forgot, Konohamaru was calling me Sis. Not that I minded.

"Alright! I'll cook a very big meal for all of us tonight. Sir Asuma, your welcome to come as well. And you Pervy Toad!" I yelled, knowing he'd heard me.

"Yeah sure Kiyomi. 7 months eating Dango, Ramen and Barbeque makes you crave home cooking." Asuma said.

I nodded with a smile. "Okay, I have more people to greet so..." With my famous wink and two finger salute to them, I was out.

Jumping from house to house, my feet swiftly carried me to a familiar part of the village.
The training grounds.

I heard the sounds of shuriken being whirled through the air before plunging into wood.

When I took a peek through the surrounding trees, I noticed that he wasnt as tired as he usually was.
He seems to have gained control over his stamina.

Deciding I wasn't just going to peep on him I pushed through the leaves.

"Hey stranger!" His head snapped to met my smile with a frown. Not much has changed. But there was a tint of surprise buried in his dark eyes.
"Kiyomi?" I nodded before pulling him into a hug.

"Hey Sasuke." I heard him chuckle as he pushed me away.
"Get lost loser." He grinned.

I threw a bag to him which he caught with ease.
"A gift." He pulled out a dark blue t-shirt, a collar that could easily cover his chin if he ever wanted to look creepy.

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