Ramen. Books. Study. Ow!

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Ah, home sweet home. I sighed in relief as we stepped into the gates of the Leaf.

I felt the humming of the Death Reaper. Yup, I offically named the sword Death Reaper. I mean, It was a combination of its first two names.

"Alright you guys go and rest up while I take the mission report to the Hokage." Gai Sensei said before taking off.
"Wait Gai Sensei! I shall come with you as well!" Lee shouted before taking off. I turned to Neji who looked deep in thought.
"Ramen?" I asked. He chuckled before following me to Ichiraku's.

"Pork miso please Ayame!" I asked happily as I planted myself on to a stool. She laughed and took Neji's order.

They were put infront of us before someone talked outside.
"Co. Can we get some ramen?" I heard someone ask from behind the flags.
"But Lady Hinata. You just finished your training. Are you sure you should eat straight after?" A man asked. I saw Neji tense as he slowly ate his ramen.

"Sorry Co. I was just wondering. Naruto says that ramen is the best way to finish training." I heard her saying. Naruto? She really does like him.
"Oh, well then of course Lady Hinata. Lets get some ramen."

They came into the small shop and the man sat next to me with Hinata on the other side.
"Hey Hinata." I greeted. She smiled shyly.
"Hello Kiyomi." I laughed before digging into my ramen.
"H-Hello N-Neji." She stuttered quietly. Turning to Neji.

I watched him slam down some money for ramen and leave.
I heard a chocked cry and turned back to Hinata. She looked like she was on the verge of crying.
"Don't worry Lady Hinata. He just wasnt feeling well." I heard the guy, Co, say.

In Hinata's eyes. There was regret and loss as she stared after Neji.
"Ah, dont worry about Neji. He's just a little cranky that I beat him in our last mission. You know." I laughed while scratching the back of my neck. Hinata looked up to me with confusion.

"It wasn't anything you said Hinata. Thats just Neji." She smiled softly before turning back to her ramen and began to eat.
"Alright then. I'm going to find Naruto and pummel him into the ground." I said in a cherry voice.

"N-Naruto?" Hinata perked at hearing his name.
"Yep. I owe him a pummelimg." She looked fearful for him.
"Oh no Hinata. I won't hurt him too bad. Just enough to make sure he understands the importance of studying. That reminds me." I got a questioning look from both her and the man named Co.

"You wouldn't happen to be carrying around a book do you? A really heavy one?" I asked sweetly. Co pulled a book from his sling bagand handed it to me. I took it with a thank you. "Ayame? Whats the time?" She stared down at her watch before looking back up with a bright smile. "5 minutes to 5." I nodded. "Can I have another two bowls please." She nodded.

Hinata and Co were watching with curiosity glazing their pupil less eyes.
Just as 5 minutes passed. I heard the sound of familiar feet rushing up the street. I held the book in two hands towards the entrance.

A blonde blur ran into the small shop and straight into the book. I heard Hinata gasp as Naruto backed up and fell to his butt. Birds flew around his heas as I laughed at him.
"Had you read.... one of these.... maybe they woul...dnt... attack you!" I said between laughs.
He glared up at me while holding the bump forming on his forehead.

I dropped to his side, hitting him on he head with the heavy ass book.
"KIYOMI!" He cried as he now held his head.
"I told you to study for the test." I scorned as I used medical ninjutsu to heal his bumps.

"A-A-Are you o-okay N-Naruto?" I heard someone whisper. Naruto looked behind me to where Hinata and Co sat.
"What was that Hinata?! I couldn't quite hear?!" He yelled while cupping his ear and standing to lean into her. I watched her face flame a bright red as he leaned closer.

I picked the book back up, bringing it down on his head.
"Oowww!! KIYOMI!" He cried again.
"She was being nice and asking if you were okay knucklehead." I growled. His face was confused before a big smile blew up on his face.
"Oh! Im fine! Thanks for asking Hinata!" She smiled shyly to him with her face still red.

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