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~Next Morning~

The class was full of mindless chatter that almost made my ears bleed. I was covering them in pain.

You'd think, after 2 or so years the girls would stop obsessing over Sasuke right?


It just gets worse.
He wears the midnight blue top with the Uchiha crest I gifted to him and according to the girls.
"It makes Sasuke-kun more mysterious and absolutely hot! Eeek!" I cringed.

Now I wish I hadnt brought him the damn thing.
"You okay Kiyomi?" Naruto asked beside me. I nodded to him while still holding my ears.

Threatening to pull them off at any second.

The class fell to silence when Iruka Sensei finally decided to grace us with his presence.
The smile on his face was even bigger then yesterdays. It had me smiling as well.

I laughed as he stood infront of the class. Count on Iruka Sensei to make you smile.
"Alright, before we begin. I'd like to see Kiyomi for a little while."

There were a few 'ohhs' sounding from the boys and snickers from the girls.
I rolled my eyes before Naruto whispered to me.
"Dont worry Kiyomi. Iruka Sensei is smiling, cant be anything bad." I nodded before happily walking out of the class behind Iruka Sensei.

"Whats up Sensei?" He turned on me with the biggest smile I've ever seen. I couldn't help but to laugh a little.
"Kiyomi. Yesterday we discovered that a team from this years graduates are one member short. So, the Hokage decided to choose a student a year younger whos ready to become a Ninja. There was a lot of talk about who so... I put your name forward and you've been granted to take the Final Exam."
I didn't know what to say.


Before he could say anything more, I rushed back into class and to Naruto.

I whispered what was happening in his ear and I felt his eyes go wide.


He shouted encouragingly. I smiled before pulling him into a hug.
"Thanks Naruto. Okay! I'll do it for you!" I yipped before running back out to Iruka Sensei.

"Alright Sensei. I'm ready."

~Time Lapse~

I was waiting outside until I was called to come in.
"Alright Kiyomi. You're up." Iruka Sensei said as he stood beside me.

"You're coming in right Sensei?" I'll admit, I was a little nervous after all but, I was ready.
As if sensing ny nervousness, he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'll be right up front Kiyomi. Dont worry. You'll do great" He assured. I smiled up at him before nodding.

Together we walked into the room.

A few senior Sensei sat at the head of the room where Iruka Sensei moved off to.

"Alright. Kiyomi Kitan, we'd like to see clone jutsu and transformation jutsu." One man said with a stern nod.
A lady looked up at me. "Good luck sweetie." She said.

I nodded before reaching into my pocket and did the needed handsigns. I threw the smoke bombs I grabbed and did said jutsu.

"Clone jutsu, transformation jutsu."
As soon as I transformed I swooped forward, used a sebon needle to paralyze Iruka Sensei then I switched places with him.

Once the smoke cleared, the Sensei gasped at seeing all three of my clones transformed into 3 different people.

I started clapping in Iruka Sensei's spot.
"Wow Kiyomi. Thats why you are my most favoritest, bestest student ever!" I laughed in his voice.
"Kiyomi. Its not great to use other people as your tramsformants."

I leaped into the air as Old Man stepped next to me.
"Old Man! Hey!" I laughed, scratching the back of my neck.
"Iruka!" Mizuki Sensei scoulded him. I laughed.
"Sorry old man. Its a harmless joke. Did I pass though?" All the eyes in the room were on me as I asked the old man.

"Kiyomi." Old Man placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to him.
"Its not nice to paralyze Iruka and leave him there." I snapped.
"Whoops." I totally forgot that I was still in Sensei's form. I transformed back and freed Iruka Sensei as my clones left.

"Congratulations Kiyomi. You graduate." I was presented with a forehead protector and smiled. I ran from the room, leaving all the Sensei perplexed.

"Did she just switch places with Iruka. And we didn't even notocr her?" I heard a Senior Sensei ask before I was out of Ear shot.

"I did it!" I yelled, bursting into the room and tackled Naruto in a hug.
"Yeah! Great job Kiyomi!" He yelled.

~Next Day~

7o'clock sharp. I was sitting on the roof waiting for my new team.

Oh, first things first.


I was mentally yipping and what not before I felt the presence of another person.

I spun to face them with a big smile.
"Kiyomi? Ah! You must be my youthful new student!" I laughed at his ridiculousness before jumping to stand.
"Thats me Sir Gai." I replied with my famous wink and two finger salute.
"Na, ah, ah Kiyomi." His face took on a serious look I've never seen on Gai.

Then it broke and he did his famous stance.
A wink, thumbs up and his smile with his tooth that shines.
"Thats Gai-Sensei to you now!" I laughed at him before nodding.

"Hai Sensei." I heard two more pairs of feet rushing towards us and spun around.
"Lee!" I greeted with a wave. He too returned it before I inspected his partner.

Ah, A Hyuuga.
To be more precise.

Neji Hyuuga, branch family of the Hyuuga clan. Left at a young age after his Fathers death.

"Alright then. Lets introduce ourselves." Gai Sensei said with his dashing smile.
"I shall start. I am Might-Gai. I love to watch every youthful butterfly soar into the skys without fear and with courage. I also like to challenge my eternal rival Kakashi Hatake everyday. I dislike watching the youth loose their light and have to soar blindly in the dark until they find their guiding ray of sun shine! My hobby is to challenge Kakashi and to win. Alright Lee! You're next." He stood with a nod.
"I want to become a splendid ninja using only Taijutsu and then I will show everyone that even I can be a great ninja!" Lee said. Gai-Sensei looked professional as he stared at Lee.

Right! Gai-Sensei was just like Lee. With only Taijutsu. Amazing!

Neji had the guts to hmph! Mockingly to Lee who spun at him.
"What is so funny?" He accused. Neji just looked away all arrogantly.
"Kiyomi. You're next." I nodded, completely ignoring Neji ignoring me.

"My name is Kiyomi Kitan. I like a whole bunch things. I dislike quite a few things and my hobbies? Well. I have lots that I dont think I need to name." I smiled. Lee looked confused, Neji looked ignorant and Gai Sensei was nodding.
"That was truely great Kiyomi. Not giving out information that may come back to haunt you. Just what I'd expect from my new youthful student. A lot like Kakashi." I just smiled.

Neji of course refused to introduce himself so I decided to do some snooping on him at a later time.
"Alright. Welcome to Team 10! Training first thing tomorrow morning. Meet at 5 on training ground 5." We all nodded before leaving.

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