Preliminary Records And Burns

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"First contestants *cough *cough stay. The rest of you may go to the upper levels *cough *cough to watch." I turned to face Sasuke with a smile.
"Good luck Sasuke." He just smirked.

"Hn. Like I need luck." Scruffing up his hair, I moved to stand next to Lee and Neji. I looked over to the pair who stood facing eachother.

'Lets see what you can really do Uchiha.'

I smiled.

~Time Lapse~

"*cough *cough winner. Sasuke Uchiha." I cheered loudly as he and Kakashi stared up at me.

I knew that Kakashi was going to seal up his curse mark but I wanted to do it.

Being an Uzumaki and All. It is kinda my thing.

"Kakashi Sensei!" I jumped next to them in all seriousness.
"Please. Wait until my match." I gripped Sasuke's shoulder.
"I'll seal it." Kakashi Sensei seemed to be pondering over my option.
"Alright then." I nodded with a smile.

"Next match. Kiyomi Kitan and Fuugan Una." I yipped loudly while looking to my opponent.

My smile dropped as I saw him supporting a torn arm. Like it was almost falling off.

I looked up to Sasuke before turning and nodding to my opponent.
"I'm sorry that I'll have to rush this but I have important business to deal with."

As soon as Hayate gave the go, I lept high into the air to the point that my head skimmed the ceiling.

Pulling six shuriken, I attached three pieces of wire to them and sent them hurtling towards the nin.
I did some handsigns before performing the jutsu.
"Fire style;Open Fierce Flame!"
A huge wave of fire flew from my palms before I was on to my next set of handsigns.

"Wind style;Ravens Wings." The wind made the flames more intense.

I heard the shuriken buried themselves deeply into the wall as my fire and wind jutsu rushed towards the nin. I landed gracefully on my feet and pulled a single sebon needle.

I dipped it into some paralysis concoction I created. Waiting for the perfect moment.

"There." With lightning fast speeds, I threw the needle and it paralyzed the boy.

Doing the ram sign, I forced my jutsu to cancel out before seriously injuring the nin.

"*Cough *cough Since the opponent is unable to continue hm. The winner is Kiyomi." I rushed forward and pulled the shuriken from the wall, allowing the boy to fall forwards.

I pulled out the sebon and healed his arm a bit.
"He needs medics." They were at my side before anything could continue. I began whispering to the medical nins.

"The cells in his arm are going to need to be replenished or else its going to be amputated. I suggest you take quick action in completing the task. There's also some poison in his system but I subdued it with the paralysis concoction I made." He nodded at me before they were rushing off with the boy.

"Kiyomi." I looked to my side to see Kakashi Sensei standing with a serious look. I nodded simply before turning to the Old Man.

"How'd I do?" He smirked before puffing his smoke.
"14.93. Point zero 7 seconds slower then Kakashi."

Damnit! Point zero seven seconds off!

I watched at the other contestants gaped at my time. 14.93, its not bad.

Naruto was yelling, or cheering with a bundle of unstoppable energy.
Neji was smirking with his eyes closed and Lee, along with Gai Sensei, were shouting some very 'youthful' sentences to me with their overdramatic aura.

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