Failed One to Many

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I was waiting for Naruto at the gates of the Academy. Today he was ment to take the final exam. Again.

I really hope he passes! I cant stand to see him hurt like last time.

There were a few kids that ran out waving their forehead protectors in the air. I laughed as a familiar group of boys ran up to me.
"We Passed!" They yelled together. All except the S's. (Stupid S's.)

I smiled at them proudly.
"Congrats guys." They all grinned. Sasuke didnt look indifferent but Shikamaru smirked a little. I couldn't quite tell what Shino was doing.

I hugged each of them before pulling back.
"Anyone seen Naruto?" I asked.
The boys faces seemed to fall at my question. They didn't even have to answer.

I took on in a sprint towards the swing.
"I really feel for her. Caring for him cant be easy." I heard Kiba grumble before I was out of ear shot.

I got to the otherside of the Academy and ran towards the second exit.
"Looks its Him." I heard an adult spit with venom.
"I heard he failed again."
"Good. Imagine what would happen if he became a Ninja." Another pair whispered.
I was pissed.

I walked right up to them with a sweet sinister smile on my face.
"If that boy became a ninja. He would be saving your lives without question.
He would protect this village until his dying breath.
No matter how many times you bad mouth him. He would risk his lives for your pathetic ones." Their shocked faces did nothing to stop my rage from building.

"And when he becomes Hokage. You Will, respect him.
He will be the hero of the Leaf and become the Leafs Orange Hokage." My words were final. I dont care what they thought. I dont care what anyone else thought anymore.

I know Naruto will become a hero. He'll surpass all the other Hokage and his face will be carved into Mt. Hokage with a smile. I dont care what happens to me along the way. Until that happens. I wont let him die.

"Kiyomi?" I heard someone ask. I glared at the pair of ladies who were looking behind me like they'd seen a ghost. Then hey took off.
"A monster as Hokage? That girl must be out of her mind."
I growled as I watched after them. It took everything in me not to chase them down and bury them beneath the ground they stood on. All while they were still alive.

"Kiyomi." Someone turned me around and I found myself staring into bright blue orbs that started to shine with tears.
I opened my mouth to apologise but he pulled me into a hug. "Thanks Kiyomi. For sticking up for me." I petted his hair softly as he cried (seeing as he was a few inchs shorter).
"Its alright Naruto. I only said that because I believe in you." He cried harder as he hugged me tighter.
"I'm sorry I failed. I should've listened to you and studied." He cried some more. I just hugged him to me.

"Dont apologise idiot." I said knocking his head gently. He pulled back to look at me confused. I smiled as I wiped away the tears that streamed down his face with my jersey sleeve wrapped around my waist.
"Keep studying until the next exam. You know. But promise me one thing." I placed my hands on his shoulders.

"Whatever you do Naruto. Always have the guts to, Never Give Up." I told him sternly. I wanted him to remember this little thing forever. He nodded as tears kept running down his face before a small smile showed.

"Alright Kiyomi." He wiped at his eyes with his Orange sleeve before looking back up to me.
"I'll never give up no matter what. I promise. And I never go back on my word." He said while pointing his thumb to his chest with a big smile.
I returned the smile. "Way-ta go Uzumaki."

He hugged me again before I put my arm around his shoulders.
"Ramen?" I asked. His head snapped up to me.
"Then maybe tomorrow I'll help you in the basics of ninjutsu." His eyes shined in excitement.
"Yeah! Alright! Lets go Kiyomi! You're going to shout me Ramen!" He yelled running down the streets.
"Hey!" I shouted after him.
"Who said I'm buying?!" I laughed as I chased him.

~Later That Night~

My breathing came out in raggered pants as I lay on my back. I was dead beat and ready to sleep. (Rhymed)
Training at night and doing missions in the morning isnt great. However, I didnt mind really.

My eyes were drifting close as I tried to watch the new moon float effortlessly in the sky.
It's funny.
How does the moon take on the shape of a banana, a cresent then a ball of pure white?

I knew no one was around to answer my question. They were all most likely to be sleeping in their beds. Why didnt people sleep outside like me. It was peaceful...

It was nearing midnight when I heard a commotion near the Hokage Tower. Looking over the edge of Mt. Hokage, I saw a bunch of shinobi nod to the Old Man before scattering out.

Searching for someone. Must be someone important if he's got them searching at this hour.

I jumped to the roof of the Tower, right next to the Old Man.
"Old Man, whats with all the noise?" I asked as I rubbed at my eyes.
"Kiyomi? Sorry if I woke you but we've just been reported of a thievery." His eyes were dead serious as he stared at me.

"Thievery? Who? What?" His eyes softened.
"It was Naruto. He's taken a sacred scroll filled with forbidden jutsu. If he tampers with it. It could release the nine tailed beast." Naruto!? Why!?

Those were answers I planned on getting in the few seconds after I find him.
My mood grew serious at the thoughts of what Id do to him. Like for example.

Wring his neck!

"I'll report anything if I find him. When I do..." I left the sentance hanging with a deadly tail as I turned to jump from the tower.
Damn Uzumaki! You better have a good reason for this.

~Time Lapse~

I was now in the forest some ways away from the Leaf Village. I picked up the scent of three people and one of them was definitely Naruto's.
I could feel my second warmth wrap around me as I grew more and more angry.

It wasn't because Naruto took the scroll. It was because he was outside of the Leaf Village and could possibly be in danger.

I jumped to a stop when I saw a bunch of kunai scattered on the ground infront of a wrecked house on the verge of collapsing.
There was blood on the wall where they had hit their target and I ran to it. I quickly smelt the blood. It wasn't Naruto's, no.

It was, Iruka Sensei's.

Now I was angry.
Someone was hunting both Naruto and Iruka Sensei. They had hurt Iruka and were still after Naruto.

I wrenched a kunai from the wall and took off after Iruka Sensei's fading scent.

I came to a clearing where Iruka Sensei was leaning against a tree with Mizuki Sensei standing infront of him with a smirk.
"Naruto is just like me." Mizuki Sensei said in a cocky tone.
"How is that?" Iruka Sensei asked with a pained voice.
"He wants the scroll for his own power and his own vengance. Thats just how beasts are."

Oh I how I just wanted to smash his head open and have his tiny brain cover this massive clearing.

(Wow. I get violent when I'm pissed. Hehe)
"He'll pour all of his rage into the scroll and destroy everything." It was silent for a moment before Iruka Sensei spoke.
"You're right. That is how beasts are."


"But thats not how Naruto is."
I heard a dark chuckle echo around in my head at my unfinished rant.
"Shut up." I growled in my head back to him.
"Naruto's one of a kind. He works hard, puts his whole heart into it. Sure he messes up at times and every one jumps on him. But his suffering only makes him stronger. Thats what separates him from being a beast." I heard a real faint sniffing of someone crying.

My eyes scanned the entire clearing before they landed on a tree where the sound originated from. I lept from branch to branch until I saw Naruto, holding the scroll securely to his chest and crying.

I dropped to him silently. "Naruto." I whispered as I pulled him into a hug.
He kept crying as Iruka Sensei spoke again.
"So you're wrong. Hes nothing like the Nine Tailed Fox. He is Naruto Uzumaki. Of the Village hidden in the Leaves." I smiled as I hugged him close in hearing his Sensei's words. Thank you Iruka Sensei.

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