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My eyes lifted up to see who had forced the sand to halt in its descend.

"Gai Sensei." I choked out from the pain of expanding my second warmth against such a strong force.

I smiled up at him as my second warmth closed back around me.

"Why did you save him? He failed." Gaara wheezed out.

"Because he is my student. And he is someone important to me." My smile widened as I stood taller to face Gaara.

"And you? Why did you save him?" His glare was pointed at me now, I smiled. Looking back down to Lee.

"He should be killed for failing." I chuckled lowly.
"He gave it his everything. That's all anyone could ever ask of him." I heard as Gaara stumbled to his feet.

"If he were to only 'give his everything' on the battlefield. He would be killed instantly." Just as Gai Sensei was about to reply. I flicked my head around with a mega watt smile.

"No he wouldn't Gaara." He seemed confused. I just continued.
"Because we'd be there to save him on the battlefield as well. We are his comrades. His friends. We would never just leave him to die. That is the way of the Leaf. That is Camaraderie."

His glare intensified as he turned away, his face falling into his stoic face.
"I quit." He said before walking away.

I turned back to Lee and began healing him.

"It's no use trying to save him Kiyomi Kitan! He's done for!" I looked up to see Kankuro smirking down at me. I just smiled up at him.

"They day I give up on my comrades. Is the day I tear your throat out with my bare teeth. Have your blood dripping from my lips while I smirk in pleasure!" I yelled back in a cherry voice.

I saw him take a few steps back and I laughed.

I gasped as I felt Lee move from underneath me.
Ignoring me, he rose to his feet against my protests and stood there.
"Lee. Thats en-" It wasn't him. He wasn't even conscious.

I could feel the tears welling in my eyes as I looked up to him from my kneeling posistion.

"His own sheer will power is the only thing keeping him standing." I whispered.

Gai Sensei came over and wrapped Lee in a hug as he stood there. Unaware of the troubles to soon come.


I shivered in fear as I grabbed at my throat protectively.

Man, her threats measure up to Gaara's. And I have next to no doubt she wouldn't take her words to action.

Then again, she'd have to have given up on her comrades. At least I have that I suppose. I don't think she's giving up on them anytime soon.


No... His muscles are completely torn, his bones in his left arm are crushed beyond repair. No!

I don't feel like having the taste of blood fill my mouth again anytime soon!

I looked to the medical nin who was next to me in a flash and trying what he could to stabilise Lee's current dilemma.

"Lady Kiyomi." He whispered barely audible. I slowly looked up to him. My eyes burning with determination and hope.

"I want you to try every and anything possible. I will not be having any negative results being relayed to me. Understood?" He nodded before ordering the other two doctors to take Lee away.

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