Fear of Forgiveness

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My hand slowly rose towards the door. Lingering for a few minutes as if stuck in time.

I messed up bad. He must hate me.

"It's alright Kiyomi. Uncle Asuma is just sad. That's why he didn't come to dinner."

That's what Konohamaru had said last night during dinner.

Our first dinner when I didn't have to make extra for the Old Man and deliver it before Konohamaru went to bed.

There was a saddened air that hung around as we ate.

Afterwards, I tucked Konohamaru in before laying to stay with him as he slept. He cried until he fell unconscious.

Now I was standing outside of Asuma's door, wondering whether or not I should knock. After a while, I lowered my hand slowly to my side.

"Another time." I muttered as I turned away.

I took one step before there was a loud crash behind the door that made me pause.
Spinning around I pounded my fist against the door.

"Asuma Sensei! Are you in there!?" No answer. I was begining to worry.

Taking in a deep breath, I released it while sending out a wave of chakra.

In the kitchen, blood on the floor.

Without a second thought, I gathered chakra in my foot and booted the door off its hinges. It giving a nasty crack as it came in contact with the far wall.

I sprinted around the well known house and to the kitchen.

"Asuma!" I dropped to his side. On the kitchen counter there were a lot of empty bottles of sake littered on the once white covering. On the corner of the bench was a mark of blood where he had knocked his head.

A continuing pool of blood beneath his head and a smashed flower vase crumbled to his side.
"Damn." I lifted his head from the mess and lay it on my lap to inspect his wound.

Wasn't anything to serious but if I don't close it, it'll come to be a big pain.

I used my medical ninjutsu to slowly pull his skin together and mend his injury.

I continued to lift him from the ground and try to position him on my back.

"I'm not moving anywhere." I groaned. I did some handsigns before performing the jutsu. "Summoning."

"Hello Kiyomi." I almost cried at hearing his voice. I wanted to cry so bad. To let out all these pent up emotions but, I can't.

I have to many people to be strong for. I must hold it in.

"Hello Elder Brother." I greeted.
"Can you please help me with Asuma. I just need him to be taken to bed so I can look after him." He nodded his smokey hood before it changed to a normal hood of a normal cloak.

He reached out with his cloaked arm and took Asuma's weight.
I showed him the way so he could lay Asuma down on his bed.

"Thank you very much Elder Brother." I nodded to him before looking to Asuma's broken soul.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, a nice blanket of warmth covering me in the process.

"I understand the pain you are going through Kiyomi. Just be sure that we Shadows will always remain at your side."
I turned to hug him back greatfully.

"Thanks Elder Brother." I almost cried when he pulled back.

No mistake, I knew there were tears in my eyes as I watched him swirl into nothingness.

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