Training;Patience and Endurance

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After my chat with Kakashi Sensei, I had left back to the Leaf and to the Library.

I was searching for special scrolls to teach me new jutsu.

"Nope. Read that one, and that one. No. Read it. Mastered it. Finished. No. No. No. No. No. Urgh!" I groaned while dragging my hand down my face.

I bid farewell to the librarian before walking back into the streets of Konoha.

I found that my feet were making their own way towards the Hokage Tower, up the stairs and into the Old Mans Study.
I sighed before searching the shelves for a scroll I haven't read.

When I was younger, I would spend my spare time reading the Old Mans scrolls.
Under supervision of course.

Now though, Old Man trusted me enough to just read what I could.

As soon as the word Classified was shown on anywhere on the scroll, I was to put it into the chest.
Under lock and key.

"What's this?" I was currently hanging from the roof and looking on the top shelf at all the old and dusty scrolls.

"Construction plans for new Training Centre?" I grabbed it and dropped to the floor, gracefully landing upright.

"The Training Cave?" Interesting.
I quickly scanned through the scroll looking for any means of this being top secret.
"Nope. Nothing. I'll just double check." With the scroll in hand, I left the study and ran to Old Mans Office. *knock *knock *knock.

There was a gruff
"Come in." As I pushed the door open. He was sitting behind high piles of paper stacked on his desk.
"Hey Old Man. Whats up, ya know?" He chuckled as he stared up at me.

"Ah Kiyomi. How have you been?" I laughed as I sat by his side and took a pile of paperwork.

He chuckled as I started to go over some mission rankings.
"Shouldn't you be out training for the final rounds Kiyomi?" I took an extra brush and began ranking the missions without looking up to him.
"I am Sensei. This here, is teaching me patience and endurance. Being able to sit in a office for hours without end is very tough. Especially for a Ninja who's use to adventure and adrenaline. This is training."

I stayed sitting in the office helping Old Man with a bunch of Village Business;

Shop reports, Mission reports, Anbu Missions, (I handed those to the Old Man and took his pile) Genin papers, Chunin papers, requests for Village entrance ect...

"Alright. I think that's enough training for today. Thank you very much for the help." I jumped happily to my feet and smiled to him.
"Alright Old Man, should I send dinner in or will you be back by then?" I raised my eyebrows in questioning.

"I should be fine thank you Kiyomi." I sighed.
"I'll be back with your dinner later tonight." He simply chuckled as he stood to face me.

"I am not some feeble old man Kiyomi, I'm certain to be able to last one night without food." I shook my head well picking up the scroll I had earlier.
"Yeah, yeah Old Man. I'll bring Konohamaru up before I put him to sleep alright?" He shook his head with a smile.

"There's no way to win this one is there?" I beamed at him.
"Of course there isn't! What do you think I am? A loser?" Damn, I totally brought the next statement on myself.

"Why yes. In training you never won a single match." I glared softly at him before my face fell serious.

"Sensei. Has there been any new leads on Orochimaru's access to the Leaf?" His face fell serious as he looked back up at me. "Nothing has been reported Kiyomi however. I have set up a few of my Anbu to keep a watch on Sasuke and Naruto. Rest assure that they are safe and also. There's no more going out of the Village for you at night. It's far too dangerous." I nodded at him, a small, mischievous smile crawled on to my face as I showed him the scroll.

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