Another One

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I froze.


"Leave me Kiyomi. Take the kid and go." He pushed me further away. I wobbled back a little in exhaustion.

"Go Kiyomi. I still want you dead for killing my sister." Leaning myself forward again, I started to rub the concoction on his skin again.

"Go Kiyomi."

This time it sounded almost like an order of the older brother he used to be. I stopped.

There was chakra seeping from his body in thin lines.

"Sharingan." I looked around to see them connecting with large amounts of chakra lining the wall of the sink hole.
"The last resort." I whispered to myself.


I looked to Noriko in confusion.

"What if he gets caught by them?" I asked.

She simply winked at me.
"If he knows there is no escape and he's got one foot in the grave. He has his last resort." She assured.

I just got confused.
"Like sacrifice?" She shook her head.
"He told me to think about it more as,
'Destroying an entire base in one go.'"
She shrugged.

In my mind I saw an explosion and shivered at the idea.

"Gross." I said as I thought about all the blood and gore.

Noriko giggled. Her lips upturned in a smile underneath her mask.


"No! Jin don't!" I turned back to him.

His eyes were closed and his breathing was shallow.

Jumping to my feet, I tried to lift him from the ground to get away. Only he wouldn't move. I tried again but, it was as though he was the ground.

"Run." He whispered. Seconds after, the chakra bombs exploded and the entire sink hole shook violently.

Looking around, I saw that rocks were falling directly towards us. I took another look towards Jin.

His chest was no longer rising and falling in breaths.
His facials were no longer filled with pain and hurt.
He was gone.

I fell to my knees.

Not bothering with the rocks that fell at my side, hitting my second warmth and falling beside me.

Tears streamed down my face as I stared at another person dear to me who was dead.


My name echoed through the place, bouncing off the falling boulders to ring in my ears. Shaking me back to reality.

I stood up and wiped my tears away. Turning from his body, I stared up to the sky.

Boulders slowly covering my feild of vision.

The last thing I saw was Haruki. He was staring over the sink hole. Right at me with panic set in his eyes.

Then I was buried beneath the fallen boulders.


"What was that?" Tenten asked.

I jumped from the tree and strode towards the sink hole.

"Byakugan." Kiyomi is sitting next to the person, but his chakra is leaking from his body. I looked around the area to see where it was going.

"Oh no." The others landed next to me and stared out over the hole.
"What?" I turned to look at Shikamaru.
Deactivating the byakugan.

"The entire hole is covered in-"


The ground beneath us began to rattle violently, causing us to jump back.
"Kid!" I saw that Tenten was no longer holding the child.

He was kneeling over the sink hole and looking on with a panic stricken look.


Both Shikamaru and I lept back to the side and looked over.

"We're too late." I commented.
The entire hole was filled with large boulders and mud.

I jumped down to the rocks. "Byakugan!" I saw a large chakra signature in the hole.

The entire area. It was disorienting my sights.

The dark orange coloured chakra was flaring around me. It was suffocating almost.

Then it was gone in the blink of an eye. Not a trace was left.

"Neji!" My head snapped up to Tenten who had called for me. She signaled me to come up.

"What is it?" She pointed to something in the distance.

Shikamaru was at their side, as was the boy. I raced forward.

"Is she alright?" Shikamaru nodded.

"She over used chakra. With having versed two of the Akatsuki before this mission. I thought this might have happened if she fought like this." The boy clung to her as he cried.

"She will be fine." We all looked to him confused.

"Let's get her home. Then we can let her deal with you kid." Tenten and I nodded.

I looked above her where in the tree was a kunai sat lodged into the bark.

It was stabbing some words. I jumped to a branch next to it and pulled the kunai.

"Jin Takahiro."

I looked on in confusion as a box was scratched into the wood around the name.

'What kind of tree is this?'

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