A Mere Taijutsu User

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The boys heads snapped towards me as I sped towards them.
"I said leave him alone!" I yelled.

They all snickered at me as I came to a stop.
The fallen boy was staring up at me with curious eyes as I stopped infront of the boys.
"What do you want kid?" One spat as he stepped forward. .
"I want you to leave this kid alone. Now get away." I glared at them.

"Ha, why should we listen to you. Your smaller then us and we're stronger then you." One said as he went to push me away.


We were all shocked as the boy from the floor ended up infront of me holding the boys arm.

"This does not involve her. Leave her alone." He said to them. Just as I was about to complain to him he turned to me with a very kind smile.

"I appreciate you coming to help. But I must fight my own battles." The guys snickered before shoving him back to the ground. "Stay down Rock Lee. You're only a mere Taijutsu user. Whos pathetic at it. You cant beat us."

Just as he was about to throw a kick at Rock Lee, I grabbed his foot. Making him loose his balance before falling to the floor.

"Look Rock Lee. I may not know you but, you cant fight every battle on your own. If a friend offers help. Accept it. Embrace it. Use it to empower you." I held out my hand to him and pulled him to his feet.

"Very well...?" His voice traveled off in question. "Kiyomi. Kiyomi Kitan." I replied.

I watched as the group of boys faces paled. "K-Kiyomi Kitan. The one who beat up Huren Akin?" They asked.

With a brilliant smile, I nodded. "Believe It ya know!" I raised my thumb to them.

They shuffled back before turning and booking it to class. I stared after them in confusion.

Wonder why they ran?

Shrugging my shoulders, I turned back to Rock Lee.

He was flipping through a notebook filled with many notes and what nots. I dont think there was a empty space in that tattered old book.

Reaching into my bag, I pulled out a 500 leaf notebook. Pocket sized.
"Here." I said handing it to him.
"Thank you Kiyomi Kitan. Could you please retell what you previously said when helping me up." I looked at him confused as he flipped to the back of the book, looking ready to take notes from a Sensei.

"Ah... You cant fight every battle on your own. If a friend offers you help. Accept it. Embrace it and let it empower you?" I repeated questionably.

He began to scribble it down in a hurry before signing my name below said quote.
I was baffled.

"Thank you very much Kiyomi Kitan. I have a very good feeling about this new friendship." I nodded with a very enthusiastic smile before my eyes fell to the ground.

"Hey Lee?" His head snapped up to look at me.
"Do you think you could teach me Taijutsu? Im no good at it but. I want to be better!" A smile found its way to his face as he stared at me.
"I shall teach you all I know Kiyomi! Be sure of it!" He held a thumb up towards me with a big smile.

"Thanks Lee." Then I attacked him with a hug.

"Kiyomi! Your late to class!" I heard Iruka Sensei yell to me. I spun around to face him with a smile.
"Coming Iruka Sensei! See ya Lee." I said waving as I rushed to class. "Good day Kiyomi!"

~Next Morning~

I woke to the horrible sound of wood being smashed to splinters.
Turning tiredly on the tree branch, I stared over an unknown training feild.

There Rock Lee stood currently kicking a wooden post to bits. Sweat dripping down his forehead like he'd been here for a while.
"If I can not do 200 kicks then I must do 200 squats." He was saying as he continued his early morning training. What a nut job.

Just as I was about to jump down and make my presence known. I felt a hand cover my mouth as another snaked around my waist, so I couldnt attack.
I got ready to push back to fall off the tree until I heard a familiar voice.
"No need to panic Kiyomi. I just didnt want your youthful scream to wake the entire village at such a youthful hour." He whispered before letting me go and jumping to my side.

His weird green spandex suit blended perfectly into the surrounding leaves while his even weirder haircut only confirmed who he was.
"Sir Gai! Please! Dont ever do that again!" I whisper yelled, not wanting to gain Rock Lee's attention at the present.

We both kept on staring over Rock Lee as he bagan to do his squats.
"He does this every morning?" I asked in utter disbelief. Gai only nodded to answer my question. I huffed out in astonishment.
"Commitment much." I mumbled before standing.

"What are you doing Kiyomi?" Gai asked with a thickly raised eyebrow. I smiled lazily whilst pulling my hair into a high pony tail and pinning my single bang to the left side.

"He said he'd train me in using Taijutsu since I'm hopeless." I looked back to Lee.
"You know what Sir Gai? From what Sir Kakashi told me about you. You're a lot like Rock Lee ya know." Then I lept from the tree and ran towards Lee.

"Hey Lee!" I greeted as I stopped infront of him.
"Hello Kiyomi." He wiped his face with his hand before drinking a bottle full of water.

"Okay. First things first. Kiyomi. I want you to fight me. Like you want to kill me." He said in all seriousness. My eyes widened a smidge as I looked at him before composing myself.
"Alright." I got into a fighting stance before rushing forwards. Now I was serious.

~1 year Later~

I flew across the clearing and landed straight on my back.
The force had me rendered airless.

I coughed as the dust from the ground closed in around me.
"Are you okay Kiyomi?" I coughed in response.

Rock Lee's face covered the rising sun with his arm stretched out to me.
"Thanks Lee." He pulled me to stand and we walked over to our bottles. His was water and mine a special liquid replenishment.

(Tastes like Green Apple Fizzy.)

"Its not fair Lee. For a whole year youve been helping me train and I've never won one match." I complained. He just chuckled sheepishly.
"Sorry Kiyomi. Perhaps if I taught you better, you could beat me." I shook my head.

"No. You've taught me perfectly thanks Lee. Hey!" I laughed as he hugged me and began to cry real dramatic like.
"Oh Kiyomi. Thank you very much! I do really enthusiastically enjoy helping you to become strong." He put me down and wiped his tears away.

"You've got your graduation exam today dont you?" His smile brightened as he jumped and kicked in the air.
"Yess! Today is the day I take another step forward to becoming a splendid ninja using only Taijutsu!" He yelled as he landed in his weird one arm forward stance with his other concealed behind his back.

"Alright Lee! Good luck on your exam! I wish you all the best!" We bowed to eachother before leaving our seperate ways.

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