Paper Exams;Dont Wake Me

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"Kiyomi! Wake up! We have the first test of the Chunin exams!" I tossed over on my branch, trying really hard to ignore the sounds of the energetic blonde disturbing my sleep.

"Kiyomi!" He yelled again. Instead of answering, I waved my hand down at him, telling him to go on with out me.

I felt someone jump on to my branch before shaking it repeatedly.
"Come on Kiyomi! Lets go already. Its 2 and the test starts at 3!" He yelled while jumping up and down.

Moving my leg, I swooped his feet from under him and he fell. "Aaarrrhhh!"
Sitting up in a flash, I grabbed his leg before he could fall to the ground in a heap.
"Dont wake me up this early Naruto." I groaned while pulling him back on to the branch.

"Its the first test of the Chunin exams! If we dont go now. We'll be late." I groaned while jumping lazily to the ground and began my walk to the Old Mans.

I walked in to see Konohamaru putting his goggles on and he smiled at me.
"Hey big sis! Good luck with your tests today." I leaned down to kiss his forehead with a big smile.
"Thanks Konohamaru." I rushed into the bathroom, showered and changed into my ninja gear.

I slipped on my body fish net suit that ended on my shoulders and at my knees.
Next were my spanks that stopped halfway over my calfs.
I also pulled over my white ninja skirt with leg slits.
I pulled on my black vest top that showed a little of my stomach and threaded my red thread up the middle in a criss cross pattern to pull it together.
I grabbed my forehead protector and tied it around my forehead. My side bangs framing my face while I left my hair out to fall down to my lower back. Just as I was about to leave, I remembered my belt.

It was pitch black with the leaf symbol hand stitched with blood red thread in the middle.
My ninja pouches connected securely to it.


I raced out of the house and towards the Academy.
Wow, its been about 2 years already since I been here!

"Kiyomi!" I looked to the doors to see Lee waving to me and Neji was standing there impatiently. I waved back with a smile before jogging to join them.
"LET US GO THEN!" Lee shouted before marching off. I laughed lightly after him while Neji rolled his eyes and followed.

~Time Lapse~

Baby faced whiners!?!?
Why I'll show him who's a baby face whiner!!

I stood up only to be pushed back into my seat by an annoyed looking Neji. I grumbled before sitting back down. My boredom got the better of me and I smiled like an idiot.

Partly to piss Ibiki off who was glaring right at me. I smiled tiredly at him and he grumbled.
"Still a weird one." I heard him mutter. I laughed at him, earning a low chuckle.

"Alright! Come to the front to exchange your information for a number then use that to find your seat for the written exams!"
I reached forwards, passed my form, took a number before finding my seat.

I wasn't near anyone I knew but hey! I didnt mind. It only ment I didnt have to help them. I settled into my seat with a big yawn.

Wow, I'm still really tired.

I dont want to take this Paper Test. I want to take a sleep. I picked up my pencil and twisted it in my hand while listening to Ibiki explain somethings.

"Blah blah blah, test, blah blah blah, rules, blah blah blah, no cheating, blah blah blah one hour, blah blah blah go."

One hour? Thats enough time for a nap! Yay!

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