Old Faces. Random Places.

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"What happened? Is he okay?" They nodded their head.
"What happened?" Asuma looked to me.

I gasped.
"He was here? When?" Now it was Gai Sensei's turn.
"A few minutes ago. Him and another one. Kisame."

Both Itachi and Kisame? Why? Why did they come to the Leaf Village? They both know its too dangerous.

"Where are they now?" I was almost afraid to ask.
"They got away. We believe they've gone after Naruto." I nodded my head.

"What happened to Kakashi? And why are you all in here?" We all looked to Sasuke who was standing in the doorway with his hands shoved into his shorts.

"The Sensei are looking after Kakashi, he's injured." I offered.
"Idiot. Why are you here then?" I shrugged nonchalantly.
"Cause I can be. But now I have to go." I lept out of the window and rushed out of the village.

~Time Pass~

I released a large wave of chakra, trying to find his.

Found it!

A large source in a hotel not to far off.

"Naruto!" I swerved around a corner and dove at him between Itachi and Kisame. Tackling him from their grasp.

Jumping to my feet, I smiled to the two.
"Itachi! Kisame! How nice to see you two." I greeted.

Kisame sweat dropped while Itachi remained impassive.

"Hand over the Jinchuriki Kiyomi. Perhaps you won't be hurt." I snorted.
"Yeah, like I'd just hand him over." I drapped one of my arms to the side of my body while the other was propped on my hip.

"Very well." He attacked.

^3rd Person^

Diving to her left, Kiyomi narrowly dodged the kunai aimed for her.
She jumped to Naruto's side and expanded her second warmth to cover the pair of them, just as a barrage of kunai and shuriken flew towards them.

The two criminals entered the small hotel room totally relaxed. One with a smirk, the other with an almost bored look.

"Gee Itachi, you could at least look a little engaged you know. Like you'll actually fight me." He still remained emotionless.
Causing Kiyomi to huff in annoyance.

"Fine. Let's get this started." She grabbed Naruto's hand and ran towards the wall. Loading her fist with chakra, she struck. The entire wall falling before they were in the hallway.

"I see you have strengthened in chakra control." She smiled happily to her very first teacher. "Yep!" She chirped as though they weren't in the middle of a fight.

Her features fell to take on a serious look as she looked to the two Akatsuki members.

"If you both wish to continue to hunt Naruto. I'm afraid I will have no choice but to intervene and take you both on." Kisame smirked at such strong words.

"I tell you one thing Itachi. She knows when to get real. I like it. Kinda missed you brat." She smirked right back at the blue, shark resembling young man.

"I missed you too Kisame. And I was being serious. If you try to take Naruto. I will counter."
The hallway fell silent.

"Itachi!" All eyes looked down to behind where the two Akatsuki stood.

'Sasuke!? What the hell is he doing here!?'

Kiyomi was raging.

"Hn." Itachi scoffed.

Kiyomi Uzumaki-KitanWhere stories live. Discover now