Kiyomi's Promise

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^3rd Person^

She gritted her teeth as she watched Itachi lift Sasuke from the ground and slam him to the wall.

Hiding a hand behind her back, she began weaving one handed signs for a simple jutsu.

A few seconds of silence passed before Sasuke let out a tortured cry.

"Sasuke!" She ran forward.

Chakra gathered in the soles of her feet pushing her towards them. Faster then Kisame's reation time.

Her eyes clouded over as she summoned forth eyes she hadn't used in years.

Grabbing the hand that Itachi held Sasuke with, she spun him around so tsukiyomi met with tsukiyomi.

"Reverse." She tried to cast him back into the Genjutsu world with little luck.

"Not going to work." Itachi stated. She broke eye contact and instead stepped in front of Sasuke protectively.

"I may not have been there to stop you from ruining his life. But I'll be damned if I let you hurt him now with those memories." She forced her second warmth to provide protection to Sasuke and focused on using her chakra within it to heal his wounds and try to stabilise his mind again.

"Focusing on anyone else will get you killed." She barely had enough time to dogde a punch he sent her way. But somehow avoided it by leaping on to the wall.

Breaking concentration with her chakra, she didn't notice that she left Sasuke unguarded until Itachi pulled a kunai.

She sprung forward and placed herself between Itachi and Sasuke.

A piercing pain erupted on her left side. Before her second warmth wrapped around the pair as he lunged again.

She reached out an extended chakra hand to get him far enough.
Itachi was forced to jump back as the large orange chakra hand had almost caught him.

"Kiyomi!" She held her hand up to stop Naruto and glared to Jiraiya. Sending him a silent message.

He grabbed the blondes shoulder with a deadly grip.

Rising to her feet, she forced her second warmth to wrap around Sasuke again and begin healing any broken bones while she pulled a kunai.

She jumped at her first teacher who was much faster and threw the kunai. It narrowly missed her.

But Itachi doesn't miss.

She spun in mid air and reached out the chakra hand to catch the kunai heading towards Sasuke.

Noting her mistake, Itachi threw a power packed punch into her chest that sent her backwards.

All went downhill from there.

Itachi was next to her in an instant and brought a foot down towards Sasuke's head.

She jumped over him and moved his head just as hers was slammed into the ground.

Leaning her body to cover Sasuke's side more vulnerable to Itachi's powerful kick.

She recieved one right to her ribs. She hack out some blood and wrapped her arms around Sasuke's body.

Taking every hit Itachi would aim at him.

She had never felt so weak in her life.

Never felt so vulnerable and low.
It was sad really.

She had never once received this many wounds to her body.


"Why do you still protect him?" Itachi asked as he held her by her collar.

Her body now pushing Sasuke back against the wall behind her.
"Even as yourself is close to death." She smirked and spat the blood from her mouth to his sandaled feet.

"Because I made a promise to protect him. And also because I care about him." Was her answer.

"Hn. And what if I just killed you both then take Naruto." Her smirk remained.

Her left eye was swelling shut, she had a major gash across her forehead where her protector was ment to be.
Only now to be laying on the floor.
She had 4 broken ribs, her left arm and right wrist broken, right ankle fractured and her left kneecap was dislocated.

But she wouldn't let her pain be known.

"Pervy Toad would kill you before you had the chance." She whispered darkly.

"Hn, let's see about your theory." She continued to smirk at the eldest Uchiha.

Her second warmth reached out towards the conscious Uchiha and grabbed him.

She pushed away from Sasuke and tackled Itachi to the ground.

"Electric Current." The cloak around the two formed electricity and shocked the two occupants.

Itachi threw Kiyomi to the wall next to the now laying Sasuke.

"It's no use. I connected it to you."

She spat out some blood before forcing her hands together in the ram sign.

An orange chakra hand reached out to him.
Itachi spun to his left and narrowly dodged it.

The hand continued forward, set on a different target.

It wound around Kisame and began to glow.


The two Akatsuki members glowed before they were transported to a different location.
Far from their own mission.

Kiyomi bent forward and began hacking out blood in bucket fulls.

"Kiyomi!" The blonde ran forward to her aid. Catching her before she completely fell to her face.

"Alright then. We'll go and-"


A green blur flew through a window that shattered in his wake.

His foot risen before it connected with Jiraiya's nose.

Kiyomi grinned as she watched Gai be scorned by Jiraiya.

That was the last thing Kiyomi saw before blacking out.

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